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By building roads like, everywhere! They built TONS of roads so that everyone could be connected. And I mean tons. So many that if they were all set end to end, they could wrap around the WHOLE world 10 times!!!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Law, language and excellent roads were ways that Rome unified and connected is vast and diverse empire. Rome's vast empire had a strong military and used it to conquer other places, which led to diverse peoples. Two other major unifying factors that helped Rome were its strong army and its universal law. The army's help is obvious and the law was the same for most of the conquered peoples.

The army was both a unifying and a destabilizing force. Many power struggles were wars fought between various generals and their legions. Many generals were usurpers whose power was based on support from their legions. One big element of the crisis of the third century was a string of military rebellions and usurpations. Constantine I fought wars against rivals to become sole emperor, etc.

Two other important elements that fostered unity were an emperor's ability to maintain a grip on the empire and the efficiency of the imperial administration both centrally and in the provinces. Other factors were tolerance of the cultures, customs and religions of the conquered peoples, prosperity through trade and the power of trade to encourage cultural interexchange.

The Romans maintained the stability and strength of their empire by respecting the peoples they conquered. They tolerated their religions and customs and allowed them to continue to follow them. They also allowed them to continue to use their customary laws at the local level, which they called mos regionis (regional traditions/laws of the land). They relied on the local ruling elites to run local affairs in the provinces. This policy fostered political and social stability. It had two advantages: it facilitated the integration of the locals in the provinces (the conquered peoples) into the ideology and the economy of the empire and it reduced the administrative load (and the associated costs) of the provincial governors and. It limited the job of the governors to defense and the maintenance of the legions stationed in the provinces, tax collection, the commissioning of public works and arbitration of disputes the locals were unable to settle themselves. A less tolerant policy would have led to rebellions and would have threatened the stability of the empire.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The main method of connection in the Roman Empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

with Amanuel with there side because he is so hot

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The main method of connection in the Roman empire was the vast network of good roads. Sea lanes wee also used in sailing season, but the roads were the arteries of the empire.

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Q: How did the Romans control an empire?
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How did the empire's access to waterways help it to control the empire?

The Roman Empire first expanded around the Mediterranean and took over all the lands on its shores. This sea remained the heart of the empire. The Romans called it mare nostrum (our sea). Italy was/is between the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean. This strategic location made it easier for the Romans to gain control over the western part first, and then expand into the eastern part and to control both of these basins.

When did Muslim defeat the Romans?

The Turkish muslim empire destroyed the Romans

Why do you think men fought for control of the Roman Empire?

Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.Men fought for control of the empire for one basic reason: power.

What is the body of water west of Charlemagne's empire?

The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".The Mediterranean Sea is he body of water that was surrounded by the Roman empire. That was the reason the ancient Romans could call it "our sea".

Can you get me a fact file about the Romans?

The Roman empire was one of the most influential in history. A fact about the Romans is that they called London Londinium.

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How did the empire's access to waterways help it to control the empire?

The Roman Empire first expanded around the Mediterranean and took over all the lands on its shores. This sea remained the heart of the empire. The Romans called it mare nostrum (our sea). Italy was/is between the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean. This strategic location made it easier for the Romans to gain control over the western part first, and then expand into the eastern part and to control both of these basins.

How did the empire access to waterways help it to control the empire?

The Roman Empire first expanded around the Mediterranean and took over all the lands on its shores. This sea remained the heart of the empire. The Romans called it mare nostrum (our sea). Italy was/is between the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean. This strategic location made it easier for the Romans to gain control over the western part first, and then expand into the eastern part and to control both of these basins.

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The Romans never conquered the Seleucid Empire.

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This seems unlikely: The Romans never managed to control the Jews despite attempted genocide while Christianity ended up conquering the Roman Empire. If Jesus was a hoax made up by the Romans, it sure backfired on them.

What modern inventions would have helped the Romans rule their empire?

Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.

How did the empires Access to waterways help it to control the empire?

The Roman Empire first expanded around the Mediterranean and took over all the lands on its shores. This sea remained the heart of the empire. The Romans called it mare nostrum (our sea). Italy was/is between the eastern and western basins of the Mediterranean. This strategic location made it easier for the Romans to gain control over the western part first, and then expand into the eastern part and to control both of these basins.

Why did the Romans want to control the empire?

Power over the trade of other countries has always meant wealth and security for the country with the power.

Which civilizations do you think was the most advanced the Romans or the Byzantines?

The Byzantine empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire.

How did the Romans take over and control their empire.?

The Romans were able to take over, or acquire the territories in their empire by military conquest, lands being ceded to them in a war, treaty, alliances and in some cases inheritance. They were able to control by military force until a territory was Romanized, by a uniform law that applied to all, and by colonization. Roman civilization also helped the conquered peoples, as the Romans built roads throughout their empire, constructed aqueducts where they were needed, and in general aided the prosperity of the provincials.

Which empire overthrew Alexander the great's empire?

The Romans. After Alexander, his kingdom was split into four. Then the Roman army took control of Greece. The most notable leader would be Julius Caeser.

Were the Romans ready to defend there empire?

no the Romans thought that they were invinceable =) =) =) =) =)

What happen after Romans invaded France?

After Julius Caesars final win at Alysia,Gaul (France) became apart of the Roman Republic, Gaul became a stronghold of the Roman Empire later on and was the edge of the Western Empire. France was one of the first (countries) to be ruled by the Romans and though out the time of the Empire until the fall of the Empire it remained under Roman control