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The Roman shield was made of three layers of strips of wood glued together. The back and front strips were vertical and the middle strips were horizontal. The wood core was estimated to be about 2 inches thick. There was a horizontal handgrip. The back and front of the shield were covered in leather and reinforcing leather pieces were stitched on the corners and edges. This leather stitching on the edges and corners replaced the earlier brass binding which was too easily damaged. Along with the shield went a leather shield cover used on the march or whenever the shield was not needed. The man's name and unit were marked on the inside and the outside was many times decorated with the legion's insignia.

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13y ago

Romans' shields are wooden with a metal cover or a boss over the central handle. Which made them good for knocking enemies.

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What did Romans left behind?

They left helmet's, Shields and of course their skeletons and few remaining artifacts

When was the medieval shield invented?

The Romans did not invent the shield. Shields were a part of human weaponry before the dawn of civilization.

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Where can one find a guide on how to make underarm shields?

One can find a guide on how to make underarm shields when one goes to the website of wikihow and amazon. There one can get information of how to sew underarm shields.

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How did ancient Romans fight?

The military formation of the Romans was the legions, which were subdivided into cohorts and centuries. They used swords and javelin and had helmets and shields. They were commanded by the legatus, the head of the legion, the military tribunes and the centurions.