After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian was able to bring back many traits and traditions of the Roman empire. Justinian not only was able to revive the Roman Empire, but was able to create his own legacy. (yes, I am in AP World History)
Virgil is considered the best poet of classical Latin literature. His contribution was to bring Latin literature to its greatest heights.
With the fall of Rome there was a period of chaos and death. The Celtic tribes raided villages and killed or enslaved people. This happened until a form of a feudal society took hold. At first, it was the strongest man in an area with the most men to fight and they took what they wanted when they wanted. These men would soon want to expand lands so they would raid and go after another strong hold. This kept up until the strongest was able to control vast areas and men. The feudal society brought order and stability to a brutal time.
Roman civilisation did not spread throughout the world. It spread through the Roman Empire and influenced some peoples who lived near its borders. Most of the world did not have contact with the Romans. The movement of people was certainly an important factor in the spread of Roman civilisation, though it was not the only one. A key role in spreading Roman civilisation was the establishment of Roman colonies (settlements) throughout the empire, partly to strengthen Roman control and partly to give land to Roman farmers who did not have enough land and landless Romans. This was a major factor in the latinisation of the empire. Contact though travel by traders in a flourishing trade and the taking of large number of slaves to Rome were other factors. Being under Roman administration also contributed as the conquered peoples had to deal with Roman officials The emperors also actively promoted the spread of an imperial ideology to justify their rule, bring the conquered people close to Rome and foster a more homogeneous empire.
Both Constantine I (or the Great) and Theodosius I (or the Great) were both supporters of Christianity. However, both the times in which they ruled and their actions differed greatly.Constantine's reign was one of religious freedom and in his days Christianity was not the established religion of the empire yet. He finalised the end of the Great Persecution of Christians which had been decreed by the emperor Galerius in his Edict of Toleration of 311. His Edict of Milan decreed freedom of worship for all religions. Constantine ruled when Christianity was not established at the elite level. He promoted Christians in the higher offices of the imperial administration and he built important Christian Churches. He also arbitrated disputes between different Christian doctrines. Under his rule there was freedom of religious expression. Moreover, Constantine respected the Roman religion and still practiced it. He retained the title of Ponifex Maximus, and, thus, was the head of Roman state religion, throughout his life. He continued to worship the sun god and told both Christians and pagans to observe Sunday as a day for the worship of the Sun God.Theodosius's reign was one of religious repression. In his days Christianity was the established religion of the empire. He was a staunch supporter of Greek (or Eastern) Christianity . Theodosius, Gratian, and Valentinian II signed the Edict of Thessalonica in 380. This made mainstream Christianity (Latin or Western Christianity and Greek or Eastern Christianity) the sole legitimate religion of the Roman Empire. The purpose of the edict was to ban dissident Christian doctrines, which were branded as heretic. The main target was Arian Christianity, which was popular around the empire.At that time the Latin/Western church and the Greek/Eastern Church, which were the church of the western and eastern part of the Roman Empire respectively, were two branches of one church which was called Catholic Church, which subscribed to the Nicene Creed, a particular interpretation of the trinity. Later these two churches spit and came to be called Catholic and Orthodox respectively. The Edict of Thessalonica made Nicene Christianity the state religion of the empire.Theodosius I immediately started to persecute the Arian Christians and other dissident Christian sects in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. He expelled the Arian Bishop of Constantinople and replaced his with a mainstream bishop. He summoned the First Council of Constantinople to bring the Eastern and Western churches closer together. This council defended the Nicene Creed and condemned Christian "heresies." Theodosius I issued the Theodosian Decrees which banned non-Nicene Christians from church officeTheodosius I also persecuted the pagans. The Theodosian Decrees also banned Roman religious practices, such as blood sacrifices and the auspices (the divination of the omens of the Roman gods) and made them punishable by death. He made Roman religious holidays working days, and disbanded the important priesthood of the Vestal Virgins. He pioneered the practice of criminalising officials who did not enforce anti- pagan laws. He authorised or participated in the destruction of Roman temples sacred places and scared images. Two years before his death he issued a comprehensive law which banned any Roman and other pagan religious practice. He ignored outspoken pleas for toleration of paganism.
The Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic AnswerThe only thing that the Catholic Church has to do with paganism is to preach the Gospel to pagans and try to bring them to God to save their souls.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church does not deny individual access to salvation, It exists to try to bring people to salvation.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church does not deny individual access to salvation, It exists to try to bring people to salvation.
He believed that the Roman Catholic church had strayed away from the teachings of the Scriptures and wanted to bring the church back into line with them.
The Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and His Bride. As such, It's work is to bring Our Blessed Lord to people and people to God.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Roman Catholic Church was established by God from the side of His Son hanging on the cross and was guaranteed to guide us until the end of time; to extend salvation to us, and to bring God to us, and us to God. The Episcopalian Church is the American offshoot of the Anglican Church which is a protestant religion started by Henry VIII and his daughter, Elizabeth, in the sixteenth century, in order to have a Church subservient to their royal wishes and will.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. It wanted what It has always wanted, the salvation of Its members. It wants to bring God to the people and the people to God.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, as such, it established salvation for all men. It is guided by the Holy Spirit to preach the Good News, and to bring all men to God.
To bring the Kingdom of God, Heaven, to earth.AnswerProphetic Destiny is a protestant term, it is not listed in any Catholic documents, dictionaries or the Catechism.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe only book that I know that the Church objected to was placed on the Index of Forbidden books:Darwin, ErasmusZoonomia or the laws of organic life.1817 in the nineteenth century. The Catholic Church was established by Our Blessed Lord to bring Him to the world through the preaching and the sacraments. And to bring the people to Him. The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and His Bride. It does not get "outraged". People who are Catholic, perhaps even Bishops might get outraged, but certainly not AS the "Church".