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Q: How do serfs and herdsmen view the reeve?
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Where did a Medieval Reeve Live?

AnswerReeve: supervised the work on lord's property. He checked that everyone began and stopped work on time, and insured nothing was stolen. Senior officer of a borough.MoreReeves were usually serfs, and were ordinarily elected by the serfs of the manor to supervise and organize the fields and crops. A reeve would also act as a go between for the other serfs and the feudal lord. Reeves were elected on an annual basis in many places. There is a link below.

Were did reeve's live in a medieval village?

A Reeve was a serf who was elected by the other serfs to supervise the village. He lived and worked in the village just as any other serf did. He proably did a bit better than the average serf due to the privledges of his position, but the fact that he was elected annyually by the villagers probably limited his corruption somewhat.

Who did a Reeve work for in the Middle Ages?

The term Reeve had two meanings in medieval England. During the Anglo-Saxon period the term refereed to an appointed official. They might supervise a town, a port, the holding of a noble, or a particular shire. The term shire-reeve is the origin of the modern work sheriff. After the normal conquest the usage of the term changed. A reeve was still an official, but a much more minor one. A reeve was responsible for overseeing a lord's lands on a manor, organizing and directing the labor of the serfs, and also in some cases for collection of fees and rents and for duties such as selling the lord's farm produce. In some cases reeves were appointed by the lord, but there were also traditions where the reeve was elected by the villagers of the manor.

Why was the Reeve unpopular in a medieval village?

because it bosses them around to show its power otherwise there will be no fear against the reeve then they wouldn't find the reeve seriously!

How much did the reeve make in the middle ages?

A reeve didn't earn a wage like people do today. He was an official of the court so he was given lodging, food, and clothing. He most likely made money by bribes and investments from lands he was given by the crown. ---- Before the Norman Conquest, reeves were officers of varying rank, depending on the location, and with a large variation in duties. Their compensation would have varied. After the Norman Conquest, reeves were supervisors on manorial estates. They were not connected with kings or courts. Their jobs were to supervise the day to day activities of serfs, from whom they were chosen. For this, they may have received some pay over what other serfs got, but probably not much. The office was given out annually at many manors. At this time, a person associated with the courts might still have had the title of high-reeve. This was a title for a member of the nobility, or at least not a serf. The precise meaning of high-reeve appears to be rather obscure, except as it applied to certain specific towns or cities. The reeves of counties became shire-reeves or sheriffs.

Related questions

What is a serfs master called?

The serf's master was a lord. This was not always a title with a specific rank attached to it, so it could have applied to a knight, or even a person of no title at all. The person who organized serfs was often called a reeve. This person was appointed by the lord or elected by the serfs with the lords final approval, depending on the traditions at the particular manor. The reeve was often a serf himself, and acted as the representative of the other serfs to the lord, and of the lord to the other serfs. His job also included assignment of jobs and land.

Where did a Medieval Reeve Live?

AnswerReeve: supervised the work on lord's property. He checked that everyone began and stopped work on time, and insured nothing was stolen. Senior officer of a borough.MoreReeves were usually serfs, and were ordinarily elected by the serfs of the manor to supervise and organize the fields and crops. A reeve would also act as a go between for the other serfs and the feudal lord. Reeves were elected on an annual basis in many places. There is a link below.

What was the occupation of a serf in the middle ages?

Most commonly, serfs were farmers, but there were many other things they did. They could be miners, foresters, or porters. They provided most of the labor to build roads and castles. In some cases, they worked on boats or drove wagons. There were special jobs they could do, if they were very good. The reeve, who was a supervisor for the serfs on a manor, was usually a serfs who had either been appointed by the lord or elected by the serfs.

Who did serfs work for in the manor system?

The serfs worked for the owner of the land they farmed and lived on. This could be a member of the nobility, a lesser member of the gentry, the king himself, or even some Church organization. Serfs were organized by a person called a reeve, who was himself a serf, appointed by the lord or elected by the body of the serfs on a manor.

Who was christopher reeve siblings?

john reeve elizabeth reeve amy reeve

Did Romans have herdsmen?


Were did reeve's live in a medieval village?

A Reeve was a serf who was elected by the other serfs to supervise the village. He lived and worked in the village just as any other serf did. He proably did a bit better than the average serf due to the privledges of his position, but the fact that he was elected annyually by the villagers probably limited his corruption somewhat.

Was a reeve important in medieval times?

The importance of various reeves varied. Some were important and some were not. The English reeve of after the Norman conquest was serf chosen to supervise other serfs on a manor. But there were also high-reeves and shire-reeves who were important people.

Who was chairman of the common fields in medieval times?

I believe you are asking about reeves, who were serfs elected or appointed to supervise on the manors. One of the reeve's jobs was to determine field usage. There is a link below to an article on reeves.

Where do Swiss herdsmen live?

A chalet

Who did a Reeve work for in the Middle Ages?

The term Reeve had two meanings in medieval England. During the Anglo-Saxon period the term refereed to an appointed official. They might supervise a town, a port, the holding of a noble, or a particular shire. The term shire-reeve is the origin of the modern work sheriff. After the normal conquest the usage of the term changed. A reeve was still an official, but a much more minor one. A reeve was responsible for overseeing a lord's lands on a manor, organizing and directing the labor of the serfs, and also in some cases for collection of fees and rents and for duties such as selling the lord's farm produce. In some cases reeves were appointed by the lord, but there were also traditions where the reeve was elected by the villagers of the manor.

What are the consequences for peasants if they disobeyed there lord?

A lot depended on time and place, but the serfs were not usually ordered to do things by the lord. Instead there was an officer called a reeve, who determined how the serfs should be organized and acted as a manager for the lord. On many manors, the reeve was elected by the serfs. The position of the serf is very much misunderstood today, possibly because of the influence of Hollywood and fiction. Serfs were not free because they were bound to the soil. But unlike slaves, they had rights that their lords could not take away from them, and among these rights were the right to live on the land, the right to farm the land, and a right to be protected. They were not allowed to move off the land without protection, but if they did so, they were regarded as free after a year. Part of the inducement for staying on the manor was the security it provided. There are links below.