The Roman counsuls did not have absolute power during wartime, only a dictator had absolute power. The counsuls could lead and army and many times the senate authorized this. The counsul had the control of his army, but the power of the state was still in the hands of the senate.
Consuls,Senate and assembly
Any male citizen could participate in the public assembly, while senators had to be appointed by consuls.
During the period of the Roman Republic the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) and the senate claimed that they governed on behalf of the people. The emblem of the Republic was SPQR, which meant the Senate and the People of Rome (Senatum Populusque Romanum). In reality the Republic was an oligarchy. The Consuls were elected by the Assembly of the Soldiers, which had a voting system which favoured the rich, who had a much larger share of the vote and voted first, which meant that the resolutions were usually determined before the poor even had a chance to vote. The senate was not an elected body and was composed of aristocrats and rich commoners who were former executive officers of state.
Thee were not three parts of the Roman government. During the period of the monarchy the king was in charge of the government. The senate was an advisory body for the king. It was not an elected body and was not part of the government. The king appointed the senators. There were also two popular assemblies; the Assembly of the Soldiers and the Assembly of the Tribes (the districts). During the 482-year period of the Roman Republic the king was replaced by two annually elected consuls who were the heads of the Republic. As the republic developed, four more types of elected officers of state were created: the censors (who carried out the census, enrolled the senators, commissioned public works and oversaw public morality), the praetors (the chief justices), the aediles (who performed many administrative functions) and the quaestors (the treasures). However, the republic did not have a centralised system of government, like a cabinet or an administration. The consuls were not in charge of the other officers of state and each officer acted independently within the remit of their office. The senate continued to be an advisory body. It debated policy matters and influenced policy decisions. However, it was not involved in governance. The popular assemblies voted on bills and elected the officers of state. During the 503-year period of rule by emperors the emperors were absolute rulers. The government was their court and their bureaucracy. The power of the senate was curtailed. The officers of state became the appointees of the emperor. The consuls were reduced to ceremonial functions. The popular assemblies were either scrapped or emasculated.
The Consuls were elected by the Assembly of the Soldiers (comitia centuriata)
The senate was originally the advisory body of the king during the monarchy. During the republic it became the advisory body of the consuls, the two annually elected heads of the republic and the army.
During the period of the Roman Republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the republic. They had imperium, the power to command an army, potestas, the power to exercise judicial functions, and coercitio (coercion), the power/authority to compel obedience from fellow citizens. During the period of rule by emperors, the emperors had absolute power and took the powers of the consuls. The consulship became a ceremonial office without any powers.
The senate was originally the advisory body of the king during the monarchy. During the republic it became the advisory body of the consuls, the two annually elected heads of the republic and the army.
The senate was an advisory body for the king (during the period of the monarchy) and the consuls (during the period of the republic). During the period of rule by emperors the senate remained an advisory body, but its power and influence was significantly curtailed. The senate also represented the interests of the aristocracy.
The Roman Senate.
In the republic Rome was ruled by two annually elected consuls. The senate was an advisory body. Over time the power of the consuls was reduced and the senate came to control much of Roman politics.
The Roman Senate.
It depends on the historical period. For 244 years Rome was a monarchy, then it was a Republic for 482 years and finally it was ruled by emperors for 503 years. During the monarchy the king was the ruler. The republic was headed by two annually elected consuls who ruled in conjunction with the senate, which was the advisory body of the consuls. In the imperial period, the emperor was an absolute ruler.
the senate i think
During the 244-year period of the Roman monarchy the senate was an advisory body of the king. During the 482-year period of the Roman republic the senate was the advisory body of the consuls, the two annually elected heads of the Republic. It debated matters of policy and of military mobilisation and deployment. The consuls usually followed its advice. The senate could also issue senatum consulta. These were written opinions on bills which were presented to the senate by the consuls for advice. Again, the consuls usually followed the advice. A negative consultum would lead to the bill being dropped or amended. If conflicted with an existing law, the law overrode the consultum. With imperial expansion the governors of the provinces of the empire were chosen by lot from the senators. The senate was meant to supervise the governors, but it often failed in this task. The senate also supervised the quaestors, the treasurers. The senate was not an elected body. The senators were enrolled by the censors among men who were considered of suitable rank and integrity. It was a body which represented the interests of the aristocracy (the patricians). During the 506-year period of rule by emperors the emperors were absolute rulers. The senate was emasculated and turned into an instrument of the emperor's power., even though sometime senate and emperor clashed.