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First of all it is not sure whether Spartacus and his followers wanted to cross the Alps to reach Gaul. This is an interpretation which was suggested by Plutarch, while Appian and Florus thought that he intended to march on Rome. However, it is more likely that the rebels were just trying to escape the Roman army and were plundering Italy to feed themselves. Moreover, they could not continue their rebellion for long. Once the Romans gathered a sufficient number of legions to suppress the rebellion, they had military superiority.

Assuming that Spartacus did want to cross the Alps and managed to do so he might have continued to plunder the countryside until his defeat by the Roman army there, or he might have tried to get the local slaves to join his rebellion. However, there were much fewer slaves there than in Italy. In this case, it is also highly likely that he would have been eventually defeated.

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Q: How do you think the history of Roman would have been different if Spartacus had succeeded in crossing the alps?
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When did spartacus become a gladiator?

Spartacus became a gladiator when he was captured and trained. I know this is not a very specific answer, but we know very, very little about Spartacus, the man. We don't even know if "Spartacus" was his real name. He comes into history as a leader of a slave revolt and leaves history as a defeated enemy.

How did spartacus change history?

Spartacus was a former slave. Some were treated better than others. Spartacus was not treated well. So he lead one ofd the biggest slave revolts yet the Roman army had crushed the uprising.

Name the different sources of history?

name the sources of history

Why are there different versions of history?

Because everyone has a different opinion and a different side to the story.

Why was spartacus considered a hero?

Spartacus was a slave who was a gladiator. He was among gladiators who escaped from their gladiatorial schools and sparked a slave rebellion. Up to 20,000 slaves gathered into bands which ravaged the countryside, looted some cities, and defeated Roman army contingents and local militias for two years. Spartacus was one of the leaders of these bands. The rebellion was eventually suppressed with the deployment of eight legions (army corps). This was the third slave rebellion in Roman history and historians call it the Third Servile War (73-71 BC). Both Spartacus and the slave rebellion have been mythologized in fiction. The rebelling slaves are portrayed as freedom fighters fighting against the establishment and to end slavery. However, no account by ancient historians says that the aim of the rebellion was to fight the system or end slavery. They were probably marauding escapees. An ancient historian speculated that they wanted to flee to Gaul. The rebels and their leaders committed many atrocities. As for Spartacus being the champion of liberty who led all of the rebels as portrayed in fiction, this was not the case. He was one of the various leaders of the various bands and we have absolutely minimal information about him.

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How did spartacus influence history?

Spartacus is thought to have influenced and encouraged rebellions across the Globe.

What is the definition of Spartacus?

Spartacus is a amn who studied many things in history and who led a slave revolt in italy.

When did spartacus become a gladiator?

Spartacus became a gladiator when he was captured and trained. I know this is not a very specific answer, but we know very, very little about Spartacus, the man. We don't even know if "Spartacus" was his real name. He comes into history as a leader of a slave revolt and leaves history as a defeated enemy.

Where do you find out about the story of Spartacus?

The key parts of the story about the real Roman gladiator Spartacus can be found in a history book about the Roman Republic.

Who killed spartacus wife?

No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."

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How did spartacus change history?

Spartacus was a former slave. Some were treated better than others. Spartacus was not treated well. So he lead one ofd the biggest slave revolts yet the Roman army had crushed the uprising.

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Noted screenplay writer Dalton Trumbo was selected to turn the novel the substance about Spartacus to meet the requirements of making the Spartacus story into a movie. This was no easy task. Trumbo created 7 different versions of the screenplay. The final script came to 1,534 pages. As an aside and credit to Kirk Douglas, he overlooked the fact that Dalton Trumbo was blacklisted in the 1950's because he was a member of the Communist Party. By this time however, all that personal history was history and not relevant. Trumbo had disassociated himself from communism.

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Because that's what actually happened in history. Not sure why you're asking.

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Medal of Honor History of Heroes - 2013 Crossing the River 2-15 was released on: USA: 31 October 2012

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The 1960 version of the movie Spartacus had a historical and technical adviser by the name of Vittorio Nino Novarese. I may have included his name in a previous answer but cannot locate it. To continue Mr Novarese was able to answer as a matter of course many questions about ancient Rome with certainty. He helped the production of Spartacus by knowing what the Romans ate for breakfast gladiator training techniques and the proceedings of the Roman Senate. Mr Novarese was a history professor and graduate of Rome's State School for Cinematographical Studies. In addition he is recognized as a world authority on ancient military history. He spent 18 months insuring the accuracy of the 1961 Version of Spartacus.