Westclox usually had a date stamped on the back of the movement (not the pat dates). If no date then it is usually from 60's up.
"Its origin dates back as far as 1862." ~ Wikipedia ; full article at the link below .
Scientists have discovered graves of humans that carbon date back to about 100,000 BC.
There is no exact date when the Cyrillic alphabet was first established. Ancient records written in Cyrillic date back to the late 9th century, meaning the language was established around this time period.
Gambling dates back as far as 4,000 years.
Back to January 3, 2006
There is no cut off date. They can go back as far as they wish.
Gambling has been around for a long time. It is not known who started it. There are records of gambling dating back to 2300 BC in China. Archeologists have found gambling dice in sites in Egypt dating back to before 1500 BC.
Artifacts can date back thousands to millions of years, depending on the material and preservation conditions. The oldest known artifacts, such as stone tools and cave paintings, date back to millions of years ago.
About 11,460 years
Here is some information from Wiki!Gambling dates back to the Paleolithic period, before written history. In Mesopotamia the earliest six-sided dice date to about 3000 BC. However, they were based on astragali dating back thousands of years earlier. In China, gambling houses were widespread in the first millennium BC, and betting on fighting animals was common. Lotto games and dominoes (precursors of Pai Gow) appeared in China as early as the 10th century.[7]Playing cards appeared in the 9th century[AD or BC?] in China. Records trace gambling in Japan back at least as far as the 14th century.[8]Poker, the most popular U.S. card game associated with gambling, derives from the Persian game As-Nas, dating back to the 17th century.[9]The first known casino, the Ridotto, started operating in 1638 in Venice, Italy.[10]
tattoos date back to prehistoric times. they date back pretty far in asia, i believe tattoos were on of their first major cultural art forms.
The first drug stores were established in 754 in Baghdad.