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Most people were poor and had only one outfit, and if they had a second, it probably looked like the first. The nobility had more, but not a lot, until later.

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Q: How many outfits did medieval people own?
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Why didn't they bathe in Medieval Times?

Actually, they did bathe in the Middle Ages. The people believed that cleanliness was next to godliness and kept very clean. They also believed that bad air, with foul odors, carried diseases. They had public baths in many villages. Later, the Renaissance came. People discovered perfume and went into a period when the only parts of the body to get cleaned were the parts other people could see. They knew medieval people did not have perfume, and liked very much to describe the Middle Ages as inferior to their own, so they called the medieval people dirty and stinky. They convinced alter historians of their own superiority, and people still believe them.

Medieval word for a common citizen?

The commoners in the middle ages are the people who make their own clothing and grow vegetables. They also made their own houses and structures. There is no complete answer to give you, but thats all that i got.

What were some pieces of work from the middles ages?

An artifact is anything made or used by people. If you want to see medieval artifacts, there are many in museums. Artwork, tapestries, and suits of armor are common. If you are in Europe, just about every town and city as a church or a castle that is a medieval artifact. If you want to own a medieval artifact, I would suggest buying a medieval coin. They are a bit pricey for some people, but they often cost less than a meal at an expensive restaurant.

What is the epistemological meaning of medieval?

Epistemology is a branch of philosophy concerned with the possibility and extent of human knowledge,whereas medieval means belonging to the middle ages,old-fashioned and unenlightened.And I don't know the epistemological meaning of medieval.You can make in your own.

Did medieval 1400s Dukes portion their fief out to lesser nobles or did the King give lesser nobles their own smaller fiefs?

I think the king gave the lords the land to do what they wanted, and the dukes got the land from the lords to give to other people if they wanted, or to keep.

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How did medieval people get clothes?

medieval people made their own clothing

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Who designed Avril lavigne's outfits?

Avril lavigne designed her own outfits.

Who owned a sword back in the Medieval Times?

not too many people owned a sword back in medieval times because of the cost and the length of time it took to make one. most people had daggers or other weapons because alot people didn't have the money or reasorces to make weapons and the people who did own sowrds were generally soldiers or people who had money.

Does a medieval craftsman own his own home?

yes they did own a home

Does Kate Middleton pick her own outfits?

Yes she is a fashionable girl

Did a medieval housekeeper own her own house?

Sometimes. Women were generally allowed to own property in Medieval Europe, as long as they were single. So, a widow might well own her own house.

What shops would have been in a medieval town?

In medieval times people shopped at open air markets. Every village had its own market to provide locals with the things that they need.

A website when you can make your own outfits online?

You can go to It's very fun!

Why didn't they bathe in Medieval Times?

Actually, they did bathe in the Middle Ages. The people believed that cleanliness was next to godliness and kept very clean. They also believed that bad air, with foul odors, carried diseases. They had public baths in many villages. Later, the Renaissance came. People discovered perfume and went into a period when the only parts of the body to get cleaned were the parts other people could see. They knew medieval people did not have perfume, and liked very much to describe the Middle Ages as inferior to their own, so they called the medieval people dirty and stinky. They convinced alter historians of their own superiority, and people still believe them.

You are playing Madden 07 for the DS and made your own team but how do you make their outfits permanent whether their away or at home?

you desong the outfits for their home and away games but they can not both be the same

What are some free virtual worlds for teens?

There is a game called "SecondLife" that is like a virtual world. You can create your own character skins and create your own outfits and add them into the game, or, you can buy skins and outfits people have already made. You pay for a house and such. Although you can fly, it's very realistic. You pick a first and Last name and such. It's a 3D game too.