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Charcoal was and is still used for many things, from getting warm to punishing the robbers, they used charcoal in fire, they used charcoal for the brass burning punishment, and many more!

Brass burning punishment:

when coal is put underneath a brass case, the victim is put inside naked and they get really burnt! depending on the crime, the longer they stay in there!

I hope this helped!

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

The charcoal makers life was a tiring one. To make charcoal required cutting the trees, stacking them up, packing the outside of the wooden pyramid with dirt, setting it on fire, and then watching the fire for several days. They had to make sure the fire didn't get too hot and burn up the wood, but it couldn't be too cold either or they wouldn't get the charcoal, so they sat day and night watching over the wood to get charcoal.

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