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Slaves were used for everything from construction work to caring for children. Rome, like the entire ancient world was a slave based society. The ancients considered their slaves as their extra arms, and sometimes as their eyes and ears if they needed information.

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It is true that the Romans captured large numbers of prisoners after winning battles and sold them as slaves. It is also true that the Romans were in the habit of freeing slaves after a while. At one point the majority of the population of the city of Rome were freedmen and their descendants. Freedmen were given Roman citizenship.

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Q: How were slaves used in the roman empire?
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Why did Justinian wanted his empire to be like the roman empire?

Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.

When did the Western Roman Empire fall?

The most commonly used date is 476, but other dates are also used. Some historians just say 5th century, or the second half of the 5th century. Clearly it was a long, drawn out affair. The East Roman Empire survived until 1453. The name we use for it is the Byzantine Empire, but that name was never used at the time, and they were nearly always called the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages.

What was the roman slaves religion?

The religion of a slave depended on where he was from. Slaves came from all over the empire and different areas of the empire had different peoples with different religions. Apart form Jewish slaves who were Jews and monotheists, the religions of the other slaves were polytheistic as all other religions around the rest of the empire were polytheistic.

Was death by stoning used in Roman Empire circa 30ad?

Stoning was used as a severe punishment in the Roman Military as well as clubbing.

What was the eastern roman empire non as?

The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.

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It was not built is is a country and it has been there since the fall of the roman empire who had used them as slaves.

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What year did the Roman empire grant citizenship to everyone in the empire who were not slaves?

The emperor Caracalla extended Roman citizenship to all the freeborn in the empire in 212 AD.

Does evreyone enjoy the roman empire?

No, the slaves had a really hard time.

How did the slaves start to work?

the roman empire started because instead of killing the people they sold them to be slaves

What is the suffering faced by the Israel Roman Empire after Jesus' death?

They were slaves and prosecuted.

What belongs to the Roman Empire's freedman class?

Freedmen were slaves who were freed by their masters. They did not actually from a social class as such. They were former slaves.

Were slaves a contribution to the Fall of the Roman empire?

No it did not. Slaves in antiquity were war captives. After the end of Rome's wars of expansion the supply of slaves dried up.

Which is the second country roman numbers used?

Roman numerals were used throughout the Roman Empire

How did spatacus die?

Spartacus died by a Roman senator called Crassus, He crucified Spartacus along with 6000 other slaves. This was to warn slaves not to try and destroy the Roman Empire. Hope this helps :)

Who was the inventor of the Roman roads?

A specific inventor of Roman roads is unknown, however archaeology has shown that the Roman road was developed over many hundreds of years form the beginning of the Empire to its final collapse and demise in around 700ad. This design was so good that even today there are sections of preserved Roman road which can be used for transport and many modern routes follow the original routes of the Roman roads.

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Extending and defending the Roman Empire.