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Roman Empire. Arminius's armies defeated three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest. This victory, ended Roman expansion to the east of the Rhine River. Succesive waves of barbarian tribes would continue to migrate through the Roman Empire over the next several hundred years, occasionaly sacking Rome. This, along with long developing internal issues, would eventually doom and fragment the Westen Empire, allowing political power to shift to the Papacy and also northwards in later centuries to the Frankish kingdoms, and later the Holy Roman Empire

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Q: In 9 AD the Germanic tribal chief Arminius led an army of warriors to victory against the forces of which great power?
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What was the victory of the Arch of Titus?

The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.The arch of Titus commemorates the victory over the city of Jerusalem and the victory in the Judean War.

Which war did Rome become an empire in which it acquired Sicily?

Rome acquired Sicily with her victory in the Second Punic War (264-41 BC) she fought against Carthage.

Why was the Arch of Titus bulit?

The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.The arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory of Titus over the Jews and the pacification of Judaea.

What is the meaning of prevail?

To overcome; to gain the victory or superiority; to gain the advantage; to have the upper hand, or the mastery; to succeed; -- sometimes with over or against., To be in force; to have effect, power, or influence; to be predominant; to have currency or prevalence; to obtain; as, the practice prevails this day., To persuade or induce; -- with on, upon, or with; as, I prevailedon him to wait.

What was the first important northern victory in the west of the civil war?

The seize of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.

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