In the late ancient period of the Roman Empire, Constantine ("the Great," as he is often labeled) was tremendously important for several reasons. For one thing, he brought much-needed stability to Rome after years of civil strife. For another thing, his adoption of the Christian faith brought Christianity into the center of Roman civilization and thus into the center of European life as a whole -- even long after Rome itself was no longer influential in Europe.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important because after winning out over his rivals he unified the empire. He is also the emperor who is remembered for making Christianity a legal religion.
Constantine is important in the history of Christianity because he was the first Christian Emperor. This meant that he could then legalize Christianity and abolish things that the previous Emperors had put into place, such as, Crucifixion and Infanticide. He also had Christian advisers and made Sunday a day of Rest and Worship to God. He also made 25th December Jesus' birthday rather than 'the Unconquered Son God's.'Constantine being a Christian also meant that he could spread Christianity easily. For example, when his armies conquered somewhere he gave the people living there a choice. Convert to Christianity or die.
Constantine the Great did not do anything to the capital of Rome. He create a new capital for the Roman Empire. He designated Byzantium as his imperial capital, redeveloped, renamed it after himself (Constantinople, which means City of Constantine) and inaugurated it in 300.
I guess that by Constantine you mean Constantine the Great. Constantine and Ambrose were not really contemporaries. Ambrose was only 7 when Constantine died. He was not involved in decisions regarding the empire. Ambrose is better known as St Ambrose. He was the bishop of Milan and one of the Latin doctors of the Church, or 'fathers' of the Catholic Church. His theology contributed to laying the foundation of the Catholic doctrine. In payed an important part in shaping the doctrine of the immaculate conception. He saw virginity as superior to marriage and Mary as a model for this. His writings on ethics were also important. He also opposed the Arianism of emperor Velentinian II.
Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.
The arch of Constantine is in the city of Rome, next to the Colosseum.
Constantine I (or the Great) was the 57th Roman emperor.
he was important because he was not cool or nice
Constantine is important to ancient Rome because he was the first emperor of Christianity.
He started the Roman Catholic Church.
Constantine the Great did not do anything to the capital of Rome. He create a new capital for the Roman Empire. He designated Byzantium as his imperial capital, redeveloped, renamed it after himself (Constantinople, which means City of Constantine) and inaugurated it in 300.
As a child and young man, Constantine worshipped the god Apollo. An acolyte even reported that Constantine had seen a vision of Apollo in the sky just before an important battle in Gaul.
Constantine the Great is not considered as a saint in the Catholic religion. While he did make a death bed conversion to Christianity his life up to that point was anything but a saintly one. He is considered a saint in the Orthodox tradition. There are a few other Catholic saints named Constantine, however.
The co-emperors Constantine I (the Great) and Licinus I
Constantine was important to the spread of Christianity because he was considered to be the first Christian emperor. He actually made it legal to be a Christian or to be of the Christian faith.
I am a constantine.
Theodosius was important because when Constantine died in A.D. 337 he became the new emperor, gained control, and ended the fighting
Justinian I, Leo III, John I Tzimisces, Basil II, Manuel I