"Carthago delenda est" is a phrase that Cato the Elder [Κάτων ο Πρεσβύτερος - Cato senior] used before the third Punic war.
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It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.It is said that Nero had Britannicus poisoned.
La culture est un système de croyances, de valeurs, de coutumes et de comportements transmis de génération en génération que les membres de la société utilisent pour affronter le monde et les autres.Une civilisation est une société complexe qui a des villes, des classes sociales, ainsi qu'un gouvernement. La culture n'est qu'un aspect de la civilisation.Il est possible pour une culture d'exister sans la civilisation, mais une civilisation ne peut exister sans la culture. En outre, une civilisation ne peut comprendre plus d'une culture.
Pieter Geyl said so.
James Hutton said this quote
Delenda Est was created in 1960.
Karthago Airlines was created in 2001.
"Cartago delenda est" means "Carthage must be destroyed" in Latin. It was the phrase used by Marcus Cato at the end of each speech he made in the Senate, whatever the subject, in an effort to bring about the total destruction to Rome's rival in the Western Mediterranean, which continued to show resilience and continued strength after two defeats. A call for a 'Final Solution'.
Delenda was created on 2006-07-25.
hilter, holocaust, jihad, (enter war name here), names of deceased family members, 9/11, taliban, racist, obamacare, karthago delenda est, rape, cruelty, torture, waterboarding, Guantanamo, the trail of tears, Stalingrad, iwo jima, Japanese (note: i am not being racist and or prejudice, i am pointing out that for survivers of world war 2 in the pacific and people of that time still despise japan for that war.)
"Islam delenda est" is a phrase in Latin that translates to "Islam must be destroyed." It is a controversial and inflammatory statement that reflects a hostile attitude towards the Islamic faith. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, promoting violence or hatred towards any group of people is never the answer.
Martin Luther.
Salut: est [said like the letter A]
St. Augustine
Une danse est un poème is a citation from Denis Diderot.
we said "elle est notre mère"
est-ce que je l'ai dit correctment, est-ce que ma façon de dire est correcte