Etruscans, Who launched a building program that turned Rome into a city.
Islam was the most influenced from greek technology and science.
The Romans were so influenced by Greek culture because many who immigrated to Italy were Greek and so brought their religion and culture to Italy and developed it mixed with the previous settlers. A classic example/myth of this is the story of Romulus and Remus.
The Eturscans were the next door neighbours. Rome was on the river Tiber, which was the border between Latium (land of the Latins) and Etruria (land of the Etruscans) . Veii, one of the major Etruscan cities was only six miles from Rome . The Greeks were the most advanced civilisation in the Mediterranean and influenced all the peoples they came in contact with, including the Romans.
A major source of ideas was the Greeks. The Romans were deeply influenced by them. Greek influence started early on in the history of the Romans as the Greeks established settlements in southern Italy and Sicily. In these early days, the Romans adopted some Greek gods and myths and the book of the Sibylline of Cumae, who were Greek oracles in Cumae, a Greek city near Naples. When the Romans conquered the Greek city of Tarentum in southern Italy, a Greek educator moved to Rome and established the model for education in Rome. Studying Greek became part of the education of elite men, who became fluent in this language and used it often. In this period the Romans also adopted Greek drama and comedy for theatre plays. This laid the foundations for the development of Latin literature. When the Romans got in contact with mainland Greece, Greek influenced increased further. They adopted Greek sports and Greek medicine. They also adopted and adapted Greek Hellenistic sculpture. The two main Greek schools of philosophy, Stoicism and Epicureanism became popular among the Roman elite. The Romans were influenced by Greek astronomy and astrology. They also adopted Greek siege machines for warfare and developed them to a more sophisticated level.
Archaic (early) Rome was influenced by the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Sabine. The Sabine influence is less well known. The foundation of Rome was said to have involved a fusion between the Latins who lived on the hills of Rome and Sabines who settled on two of the seven hills.
The one single event that probably most influenced the early development of Christianity was the decision of Paul to permit gentiles to become Christians without the trauma of circumcision.
The Twelve Tables, which were expanded by Appius Claudius in 451-450 BC, formed the earliest known Roman legal code. These laws influenced the development of legal systems in Western countries, laying the foundation for modern legal principles and practices.
Its geographic isolation
The Etruscans. They influenced Rome's daily life, government, and military, since they were the Romans.
The development of personality is most influenced by biological traits (a+)
The development of the Mesopotamian civilization, specifically the Sumerians, was most directly influenced by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Zagros Mountains, and the Syrian Desert. These geographical features provided fertile land for agriculture, access to water for irrigation, and natural barriers for protection.
Greek civilisation is the one which influenced the Roman elites the most.
Islam was the most influenced from greek technology and science.
The Nile River