The end of the Roman Republic came when Octavian/Augustus came to power after winning the civil war against Antony.
It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian. Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.
the republic was the government that disappeared when Caesar Augustus replaced it with the principate.
It came to an end because they got a lot of Barbarian invasions and the Roman Empire was split in two. In AD 476 the Roman Empire ended. By Nick Andrews
The end of the Roman Empire came in 476 C.E. (A.D.).
As the Plebian Assembly came to the point of electing the Tribunes, it became by 339 BC the most powerful element in the ancient Roman republic. It is important to note that the Senate at this time was facing a decline in power. As an example of this, the former power of the Senate to veto measures passed by the Assemly was taken away.
Caesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus
Augustus brought the Roman Republic to an end.
It lied within the rulers and emperor's. Occasionally in history when democracy came to be, the government officials had some power. Unfortunately, power was constantly shifted between the people and the rulers. Eventually, the roman republic decided to stay as a republic force. Therefore the power was given to the people and the citizens of Rome.
After the fall of the Roman republic came the principate, or as it is commonly called the "empire", because the leader was the "Imperator", the one who commanded.
code of duty
You could say that the Roman Republic lasted 482 years because Roman history lasted for a very long time: 1,200 years. The Republic was preceded by 244 years of monarchy and 503 years of rule by emperors. Another question could be why the Roman Republic came to an end.
Frederick II came to power as the Holy Roman Emperor in 1215.
The Greek empire was before the Roman Empire.
It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian. Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.
In the republic Rome was ruled by two annually elected consuls. The senate was an advisory body. Over time the power of the consuls was reduced and the senate came to control much of Roman politics.
Neither. The ancient Romans ousted their kings in 509 BC and formed the republic. The republic was ruled by the Roman people (technically) who elected their officials. The period of rule by the emperors came after the fall of the republic and was called the principate.