A strong central government because for over 200 years, the pax romana helped solidify a strong central government by building sophistiated road systems, establishing a universal language, exercising greater dgrees of direct democracy, all with a large army. this unified the vast empire.
the renaissance
That the political system was broken and the Empire was no longer strong and cohesive enough to resist takeover by Eurasian peoples moving in.
The Roman Empire was so big that there were a lot of different people with different cultures living in it. The Roman Empire was a very big empire with its capital in Rome, ruled by an emperor. Roman Empire, political system established by Rome that lasted for nearly five centuries. War victory and a society with a large slave work force was the reason why the Roman empire got so large.
a period of peace and economic prosperity
Representative Democracy
Shared power between senate and emperor.
A monarch with advisory council, provincial governors overseeing the various city-states, tribes and principalities which made up the empire.
decentralized political system
A decentralized politcal system
If it does not refer to political system of ancient Roman empire and its aristocratic or oligarchic society, it maybe refers to Catholic church and its hierarchy. in fact, hierarchy in that meaning indicates who is who ; for instance : priest , bishop and so on...
The political system of the Songhai Empire was a centralized monarchy led by a powerful emperor. The emperor had authority over provincial governors, who oversaw the administration of various regions within the empire. The empire also had a system of appointed officials to help govern its territories.
its called the ephiance (greek meaning- system of work)
In ancient times it was a monarchy. Today it is a parlimentary republic.
The Inca empire was one of the most important in Central America. It was organized by social class and a political system.
No, hieroglyphics and cuneiform are not the same thing. Hieroglyphics is the writing system used by ancient Egyptians, characterized by pictorial symbols, while cuneiform is the writing system used by ancient Mesopotamians, characterized by wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.
This is an example of ancient democracy.