Many of the Roman Catholic Orders come to mind - notably The Franciscans - The Jesuits - etc. - many others, I'm sure.
The surname Clarke is an Irish occupational name for a scribe or secretary, originally a member of a minor religious order. Derived from the word clerc which signified a member of a religious order. In medieval Christian Europe, clergy in minor orders were permitted to marry and have families. In the Middle Ages it was virtually only members of religious orders who learned to read and write.
The United States most recently. The first of the ten crusades was started by order of the Pope.
First the Romans came, then the Saxons, then later the middle ages began.
The general term is "mendicant". You may be thinking of the Franciscans, a specific order of mendicants.
The Serb leaders wanted the rule, order, and prestige of the old Serbian empire that had been strong during this period of time.
She started a religious order known as the Missionaries of Charity.
Christianity did not even exist at the time of Saint Anne, much less religious orders.
Religious orders did not yet exist at the time Peter was alive.
I can think of none that would. Cooking was pretty basic and a religious order wouldn't have had rich foods. Some did produce cheeses and wines.
Taoism started as a combination of psychology and philosophy, but eventually evolved into a religious faith. The Tao is the natural order of things.
The three main religious groups in the Middle East are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Islam is the largest religion in the region, followed by Christianity and Judaism. Each of these religions has deep historical and cultural roots in the Middle East.
Joseph, the spouse of the Blessed Virgin and foster father of Our Lord was not a member of a religious order as orders did not exist at that time. He was instead a full-time father and carpenter.
The Franciscans, Dominicans, and Benedictines are examples of religious orders that were not founded in the 19th century. These orders have long histories, with roots going back to the Middle Ages and even earlier in some cases.
A religious person who has devoted his life to a religious order is known as a monk.
Saint Matthew is traditionally believed to have belonged to the Order of the Knights of Malta or the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Both orders have a long history of providing care for the sick and pilgrims, which aligns with the teachings and actions of Saint Matthew as one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
Joan founded no religious order.
Peter was not a member of a religious order.