Tiberius CLAUDIUS drusis Nero germanicus was the lame, sick and stammering grand son of Marc Anthony. He was afflicted by many child hood illnesses which left him with a terrible stammer, a constant facial twitch, whic also included his head, one leg shorter than the other, a twisted foot and other physical problems. His brother germanicus was a strong golden boy in the family, but Claudius loved him. Due to his physical problems, Claudius spent most of his time learning and writing. He became very well educated, learning several languages, and spent much time in the libraries of Rome. He was married three times, the second wife being the imfamous messilina and his third his niece. Claudius became emporer by default. After the murder of his nephew Caligula, he was found hiding Behind curtains but the emporers body guard who promptly declared him king. Claudius built a safe winter harbor so Rome could get food during winter He established a good foothold in Briton He enforced the rule of law and not just the emporers will His wife was corrupt and he had her executed for treason when he found about her many lovers. He married his niece who was the mother of Nero, and due to her machininations his son was murdered and nero became king. Nero was the last of the claudian line of emporers
Claudius's nastiest habit was watching criminals being tortured and men being executed by being flogged to death. Claudius discovered his wife was having parties with her friends and Claudius didn't only have her executed but 300 party friends went too. in the end his niece, Agrippina, poisoned him with mushrooms.
Claudius, the Roman Emperor, is known for various controversial actions during his reign. One of the most infamous acts was his decision to invade Britain in 43 AD, which was seen as unnecessary by some historians. Additionally, Claudius' marriage to his niece Agrippina, following the death of his third wife, raised ethical concerns due to the familial relationship. Finally, his execution of several prominent senators and officials, such as the philosopher Seneca, also contributed to his negative reputation.
The Emperor Claudius
At the first invasion of Britain, under Julius Caesar, there was no emperor as Rome was a republic. Almost a hundred years later the emperor Claudius made his so-called invasion of Britain and officially annexed it into the empire.
Claudia, Appius Claudius daugther who married Tiberius Graccus. Cristina Rizzi
He married to awicked women namedAgrippina who killed him at the end so her son Nero would be the roman emperor.
Claudius's leadership as Roman Emperor had mixed reviews. He expanded the Roman Empire but faced criticism for his tolerance of corruption among his advisors. He was known for his intellectual pursuits and public works initiatives.
Neither. It is a Latin (Roman) name.The name Claudius comes from a Roman family name which was possibly derived from Latin claudus meaning "lame, crippled". This was the name of a patrician family prominent in Roman politics. The ancestor of the family was said to have been a 6th-century BC Sabine leader named Attius Clausus, who adopted the name Appius Claudius upon becoming a Roman citizen.The family produced several Roman emperors of the 1st century, including the emperor known simply as Claudius. He was poisoned by his wife Agrippina in order to bring her son Nero (Claudius's stepson) to power. The name was later borne by several early saints, including a 7th-century bishop of Besançon.
Claudius, the Roman Emperor, is known for various controversial actions during his reign. One of the most infamous acts was his decision to invade Britain in 43 AD, which was seen as unnecessary by some historians. Additionally, Claudius' marriage to his niece Agrippina, following the death of his third wife, raised ethical concerns due to the familial relationship. Finally, his execution of several prominent senators and officials, such as the philosopher Seneca, also contributed to his negative reputation.
Neither Caesar nor Claudius were violent leaders.
Claudius was Roman Emperor, never Roman King. The Romans hated the idea of being ruled by a king.
nothing hahahahaahahahha:)
there was transformation from the old Celtic England living in tribes.
As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.As emperor, it was Claudius who led his armies to Britain. But please remember that there had been a Roman presence in Britain for at least fifty years before Claudius made his grand entrance.
Roman emperor Claudius imprisoned Valentine. Valentine was a priest who defied the orders of the Roman emperor Claudius and continued to perform marriages. He was sentenced to death.