No, 20,000 years ago is way too far back for the Romans. The city of Rome was founded in 753 BC. However before this actual founding, the forerunners of the people who would be known as Romans were living there in clusters of small villages. They united to form Rome.
From 2014, it was 1013 years ago.
1875 was 141 years ago.
2014 - 1875 = 139 years ago
You can not make a Roman Artefact today. Roman artifacts were made 1.5-2 thousand years ago by the Romans. If you make a Roman Artifice today it will be a copy of an original or a fake.
When was spelling invented.
.02 million years ago 2.0x10-8
20000 years ago
why as it so cold in the UK 200000 years ago
Year 17990 BC.
20000 years ago
2000 years ago
it was 1000 years ago
300 years ago - roughly the same time as the industrial revolution escalated.
The primary light source 20000 years ago was fire, generated by burning wood, animal fat, or other combustible materials. People used fire for warmth, cooking, protection, and light during the night.