A merchant would often go to the market and sell his goods. Then like any other person a merchant will go to church and pray because if not they would most likely get punished by the Lord or even put to death for not respecting God. When a merchant or serf was finished praying they would help around the house with cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, or farming the land.
In order to establish himself as a merchant a man needed to be free from feudal commitments; he needed financial wealth; he needed contacts among the merchant and seafaring community; he needed to know his goods in order to tell good quality from bad quality and avoid being tricked; he needed a place for storage and suitable sales outlets; he needed to know local laws and regulations on the import and export of goods, payment of taxes, prohibited goods and so on. For these reasons it was often the son of a merchant who took over his father's business when he retired or died. This allowed him to simply take over where the father left off, with all the contacts and trade knowledge he needed. We know from the wills of medieval merchants that businesses were often legally transferred to an eldest son.
Medieval life in Europe was characterized by?
medieval atilliator makes crossbows for knights in the army. They are highly paid.
Daily Life of a Knight in the Middle AgesThe daily life of a knight in the Middle ages followed a similar schedule to that of his lord or the noble he served. The Daily life of a Knight during the Middle ages centred around castles or Manors or fighting for his lord and the King during times of war. Much of his time was spent on honing his weapons skills and keeping his levels of fitness high. The daily life of knights can be described as follows:The daily life of a Knight started at dawn when Mass would be heard and prayers would be madeThe first meal of the day for the Knight was breakfastKnights would engage in weapons practise at the quintain and the pellThe daily life of the Knights would include discussions on warfare strategy and increasing his knowledge of siege warfare and weaponsMid morning prayers and a mealAs the Medieval period progressed the culture changed becoming more refined and elegant. Knights were expected to understand the rules of Chivalry and courtly love. Time might be spent on dance practiseIn the afternoon the daily life of Knights turned to increasing their skills in horsemanship and would accompany their lord in hunting, hawking or inspecting the estateEvening prayer and then supper in the Hall of the Castle or Manor HouseAfter supper there might be some entertainment - music, dancing, jugglers, acrobats, jesters, etcBedtime prayersalso protected the kingdomSo ended the daily life of a Medieval Knight during the Middle Ages.http://www.lordsandladies.org/daily-life-knight-middle-ages.htm
Cooperation? There is no cooperation in a feudal life. A small group has the power and everyone else does what they are told or else.
Merchant guilds dominated the economic and political life of medieval towns.
Religious beliefs, such as salvation, sacraments, and pilgrimages, affected daily life in Medieval Europe because they told everyone that the churches were part of people's daily life.
Medieval towns were independent by buying a royal charter.
Bread was produced in medieval daily life.
Religious beliefs, such as salvation, sacraments, and pilgrimages, affected daily life in Medieval Europe because they told everyone that the churches were part of people's daily life.
Religious beliefs, such as salvation, sacraments, and pilgrimages, affected daily life in Medieval Europe because they told everyone that the churches were part of people's daily life.
The church
mostly working
The middle ages way of life was called feudalism.
the church