There was actually a devastating Great Fire of London in the 12th century, but many people have never heard of it. Even schools in England fail to mention it in history lessons.
In 1135 a major fire took hold of the mainly wooden buildings that crowded tightly together across London. It began near Cannon Street the day after the Christmas festival, spreading quickly eastwards due to a strong westerly wind. London bridge was destroyed and St Paul's cathedral was burned to the ground. For almost a hundred years afterwards this was referred to as "The Great Fire of London". Around 3,000 people died in the flames.
In the reign of king Henry II new building regulations were introduced as a direct result of the 1135 fire; houses were in future to be built entirely of stone or covered with a fire-proof coating and roofing material was strictly regulated. Houses should henceforth have a tub of water outside in case of a fire starting and the distance between new house boundaries was also specified.
Fire on a stick
Nero reigned during the great fire of Rome.
every manor had woodland surroundig it and since every manor was 100% self sufficient, the woodland area woud provide fuel for th manor, an example being fire wood.
The Renaissance was destroyed by the end of the medieval world and thus was born the religious revolution.
Henry III was said to have used quicklime by having the throw it in the faces an invading French fleet. They quicklime was a powerful irritant and made it impossible for the French sailors to do their work. Quicklime is also said to have been used to ignite Greek fire.
Tudor time of great fire of london
The Great Fire of London was in 1666 and London Fire Brigade didn't exist then.
A jumble of medieval lanes, quaint but unhealthy, and the Great Plague would probably have come back.
The Great Fire of London happened in 1666
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666 and there was no fire department at that time.
The Great Fire of London was in 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in early September 1666.
The Great Fire of London was in September, 1666.
The great fire of london
the great fire of London
The Great Fire of London in 1666.