Medieval people had petroleum oil from asphalt springs, but not very much of it.
There were a number of forms of animal fats used as we would use oils, including tallow, lard, and chicken fat. Also, they had small amounts of whale oil.
There were a number of vegetable oils, including olive oil and a number of oils from seeds and nuts.
Hot oil was used in the medieval times as a we pan so if any one came close they would tip the boiling hot oil on them by Madison hollingworth
Cowrie and cowry shells were replaced by coins and moneys in the medieval time. This happened back in 1000 BC.
Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.
MidKnight! LOL
Yes he was in the Medieval time period
queens position medieval time
Hot oil was used in the medieval times as a we pan so if any one came close they would tip the boiling hot oil on them by Madison hollingworth
Falcon was used in hunting in medieval time.
The name of the castle as "medieval" places it in the time it was built. The Middle Ages is a time in history that covers a 1000 years of time and when a historian states that something is medieval or in the middle ages it places it on the timeline.
The people in the renaisance were tired of the views and the ideas of the medieval time, and thought the medieval people had a pessimistic view on things.
What was medieval Ghana's time line of power
The primary sources of illumination in medieval street lights were candles, oil lamps, and torches.
The French
queens position medieval time
the postmodernists. ----------------------------------- A+ -- Medieval period