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Universities were not called guilds, but they functioned very much as guilds did. The undergraduate education in the universities was very like the journeyman stage of becoming a guild member, and the post graduate work leading to the master's degree was very like the production of a master work for the guilds. The structure of the university was quite possibly modeled on crafts guilds. Some guilds even had a higher level of membership than master, which was analogous to a doctorate.

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What is it true or false in medieval times countries grew rich from the goods produced by their factories?

There were no factories in the Middle Ages.

In what ways did the Renaissance owe its existence to medieval civilization?

the renaissance was medieval the people of the time helped to contribute to its existenceOpen in Google Docs ViewerOpen link in new tabOpen link in new windowOpen link in new incognito windowDownload fileCopy link addressEdit PDF File on PDFescape.comThe Renaissance would not have been possible without the existence of large cities and universities, which have their origin in medieval times. During the prosperous era, the Golden Age of the Feudalism 1100-1350, Europe entered long period of growth that enabled it to establish numerous decent-sized cites reaching up to 100,000 in population. Many of the cities became also seat of the university that produced thousands new intellectuals every year. These educated people were main force that desired to live in a society free of church indoctrination and believed in reason over superstition. The feudal era created a society that was much closer to our present social model than to that of antiquity. Basically, without well-established social and economic order created by European feudalism, the Renaissance would not have emerged.

What did art focus on during the Middle Ages?

Medieval art focused largely on the religious. Aside from that, however, there was always secular art produced, the Bayeux Tapestry being one example. The secular gradually became more important in the second half of the Middle Ages and was largely like art today in its subject matter, which included themes relating to love, war, normal life, and so on.

How was glass made in medieval times?

1st Answer:They weren't made. They hadn't been invented yet.2nd Answer:Optical lenses go back almost to prehistory. We have record of Nero using one to watch games. Some of the important laws governing their shape were known to Arab scientists in the 10th century. Glasses were being made in Europe by the end of the 13th century, and there are numerous medieval pictures of people using them.According to articles I have read, the lenses for medieval glasses were produced on pole lathes. There are links below to the history sections of articles on lenses and glasses. There is also a link to an article on pole lathes.

What was a cutler in the medieval times?

A cutler was a craftsman specialising in the creation of hilts, usually for blades. Far from the image of a lone blacksmith hammering out swords alone in his smithy, the reality is thatthrough the medieval period, the vast majority of weapons were produced by the skilled work of several individuals, each making some parts, rather than one person making all the parts. Blades, for example, were commonly made in just a few centres of production - the German cities of Passau and Solingen were noted in the medieval era for the quality of their blades. These bare blades were shipped throughout Europe, bought from merchants by cutlers, and were then assembled into swords suitable for the fashion tastes of their region, by shaping the cross and pommel designs from steel or bronze, and then assembling the wooden hilt grip. Another craftsman might well have produced the sword's scabbard, and another the swordbelt, before it was ready for sale. a similar process would've taken place for all other weapons or objects, be they knives and daggers, swords, polearms and warhammers. as swords became less widespread, the craftsmen making these items began to expand their work into other areas, and ended up making the grips for things like knives and forks - hence the word cutlery.

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