A freeman usually became a serf by necessity or force. Serfdom was inherited. By accepting the terms of serfdom, serfs bound not only themselves but all of their future heirs.
The problem in answering this question stems from the exact meaning of feudalism, an issue on which many scholars find disagreement. Feudalism was characterised by a social hierarchy - king, lords, knights and serfs being important examples. Feudalism protected the position of the king, by ensuring the loyalty and service of the lords and knights, in return for position and favours. But feudalism, as we understand it, could probably not have existed without the serfs. When the supply of slaves, from central and eastern Europe, dried up in the tenth century, serfdom became the answer. Landholders also found that serfs were not only cheaper, but easier to manage than slaves had been.
Middle Ages Feudalism was based on the exchange of land, called a fief, for military service. King William the Conqueror used the concept of feudalism to reward his Norman supporters for their help in the conquest of England. The land belonging to the English was taken and given to Norman Knights and Nobles. These estates were known as Manors.
Feudalism originated at a time when Western Europe was quite troubled, when the central government of the Carolingian Empire was losing strength. Vikings were attacking almost any community they wanted to that could be reached by water, a threat that required a quick response from a local army. Insurrections, invasions, and other problems were all developing more quickly than the central government could respond to them. Feudalism was developed to deal with these problems. It worked rather well, as a solution for the problems that prevailed at the time. It provided stability, protected people, and gave much of Western Europe a basis for growth and development. Under feudalism, the ordinary people of a country were largely powerless. They could appeal to their lords for protection, when that was required. If the protection they needed was from the lord himself, then they could appeal to the Church. None of this worked as well as it could have, but it was probably better than being made a slave of some invader.
No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.No, Nero was an emperor and he loved being one. He is best remembered for his personal behavior and for the Great Fire of Rome which occurred during his reign.
Feudalism didn't foster wealth and well-being because people were busy with land owning and finding jobs.
One negative of feudalism was the fact that only a few people had the majority of the power; which is a common negative aspect of many political organizations. It depended on there being little communication and once communication became more prominent feudalism started to decline.
GUnpowder made Castles obsolete. More people were injuried by the stones being blasted apart then were being protected by the ramparts.
Yes, feudalism was practiced during the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages lasted from about 476 to 1000 AD, a period also called the Early Middle Ages. The most widely held definition of feudalism has it being established around the time of Charlemagne, who reigned as king of the Franks from 768 to 814. It lasted until the end of the Middle Ages in some parts of Europe.
The vikings caused people to build castles and contributed to the rise of feudalism. They caused people to build walled towns.The Vikings affected European society by forcing small groups or tribes to being working together to protect themselves. They also cause the creation of castles and barriers.
The problem in answering this question stems from the exact meaning of feudalism, an issue on which many scholars find disagreement. Feudalism was characterised by a social hierarchy - king, lords, knights and serfs being important examples. Feudalism protected the position of the king, by ensuring the loyalty and service of the lords and knights, in return for position and favours. But feudalism, as we understand it, could probably not have existed without the serfs. When the supply of slaves, from central and eastern Europe, dried up in the tenth century, serfdom became the answer. Landholders also found that serfs were not only cheaper, but easier to manage than slaves had been.
Jewish people
being a "heretic" and/or being a "witch"
Joan of Arc helped to end feudalism in the Middle Ages, but actually it was the Black Plague which did the most to eliminate feudalism by killing almost half of the working people of Middle Age Europe. Joan of Arc, as a commoner (not of noble birth or an aristocrat) probably helped kill feudalism by showing that a person of humble birth could be just as great a leader and inspiration for soldiers as any nobleman. Some say this is the very reason that King Charles VII did nothing to save Joan from being burnt as a heretic by her English enemies. Charles was afraid that Joan had way too much popularity with the common people and feared she was a threat to the existing aristocracy.
it dosent matter
you have to get ready to cure people you need to be nice to people.
People not being allowed