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The Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus needed to raise an army and he could not draft married men. To solve the problem he ordered that all marriage ceremonies be stopped. Valentine continued to marry betroted couples in secret. When Claudius found out, he had Valentine arrested, tortured and beheaded.

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Q: What Roman Emperor ordered St Valentine to death?
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What year was Constantine the first Roman Emperor to support Christianity?

Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.

What roman emperor castrated his male lover and married him after the death of his wife?


Which emperor was proclaimed in york and when?

Constantine the Great was proclaimed emperor in York, England in 306 A.D. after his father's death by the soldiers. Constantine was the first Christian Roman emperor who reigned from 306 to 337 A.D.

Who was the Roman Emperor before Justinian the first took over?

Flavius Anastasius or Anastasius I (c. 430-July 9, 518) was Byzantine emperor from 11 April 491 until his death.

Why did the death of an emperor sometime cause problems for the roman government?

The death of an emperor could sometimes cause problem for the government usually because the deceased emperor never left a will or never designated an heir. Then the throne was up for grabs and the one with the most powerful backing and the most money for bribes to the praetorian guard and the senate was the one who was declared emperor.

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Who was responsible for Saint Valentine's death?

Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus ordered the death of Valentine.

Who ordered that Saint Valentine be put to death?

The Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus was ultimately responsible for the death of Valentine.

Who was responsible for St. Valentine's death?

The Roman emperor Claudius II Gothicus ordered Valentine's execution.

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Roman emperor Claudius imprisoned Valentine. Valentine was a priest who defied the orders of the Roman emperor Claudius and continued to perform marriages. He was sentenced to death.

What year was Constantine the first Roman Emperor to support Christianity?

Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.

Why was Saint Valentine put to death?

The Roman Emperor, Claudius II Gothicus, was having problems raising an army as Roman law forbade drafting married men. He decided to outlaw marriage to get around this problem. Valentine continued to marry couples in secret. When Claudius found out, he had Valentine arrested and thrown into prison where he was tortured and beheaded.

Who was responsible for St. Valentine's death and why?

The Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus made marriage illegal in the Roman Empire because he needed to raise an army and could not draft married men. Valentine continued to wed couples in secret. Claudius learned of it and had him arrested, tortured and beheaded.

Why was the Roman Emperor Claudius II responsible for Saint Valentine's death?

Valentine was a priest, possibly a bishop, in early years of Christianity in Rome. He became a patron saint of lovers when the Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus made it illegal for couples to get married. He needed men for his army and could not draft married men. Valentine continued to marry couples in secret. When the emperor found out, he had Valentine thrown into prison. While in jail he became a close friend of the jailer's young daughter. Just before he was executed for his crime, he sent her a letter in which he told her to remain faithful to God. He signed it, "From your Valentine."

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