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The age of a youth can be from 11 years to 19 years.

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Q: What ages are considered youth?
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Related questions

What are considered youth sports?

I would consider it to be around ages 8-15.

What is the meaning of for there is a youth in thoughts as well as in ages?

Your as old as you feel....

A word meaning a boy or a youth?

"Adolescent" is a word that can refer to a boy or a youth, typically between the ages of 13 and 19.

What ages are considered a toddler?

ages 2-4

What is the literacy rate for men and women in Israel?

According to one internet source, quoting UNESCO statistics for Israel: Youth female (ages 15 - 24) . . . 98.05% Youth male (ages 15 - 24) . . . . . 99.05% Youth combined (all, 15 - 24) . . . . . . . . . . 98.56% Adult female (ages 15 and up) . . . 88.67% Adult male (ages 15 and up) . . . . . 94.96% Adult combined (all, 15 and up) . . . . . . . . . . 91.75%

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How old do you have to be to volunteer at the seneca park zoo?

Youth volunteers are between the ages of 14 - 17.

What age does checking become legal in Youth Hockey?

Ages 12-13, PeeWee level

What time period could be considered an alternative for the dark ages?

The middle ages.

Is a 22 inch barrel for a shotgun considered a youth model?

Length of the stock determines "youth" designation, not barrel.

What ages are considered elderly?

humans are considered elderly at age 60

How long is 12 Howrse months?

Everyday you go on your horses page and look after it it ages by two months, unless your horse has the water of youth when it ages by one month. So assuming that you look after your horse every day and it hasn't got a water of youth then six days.