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As a class, minstrels were most important. Early on, they were simply called bards. Later, they were called minstrels, troubadours, jongleurs, minnesingers, and by other names. They continued to be important through most of the period.

Musicians in Churches were of a different type. They included organists, choristers, and other musicians. While the Church was of central importance in the Middle Ages, and composers of sacred music were the most important theorists, they were not as generally important as bards.

There were a number of important individuals in music. Choosing the most important is pretty much a matter of taste.

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Almost all musicians of the Early Middle Ages were anonymous. We have the names of a few, but in most cases only lyrics and writings about music have survived, with nothing of the music itself. St. Odo of Cluny, Hucbald, and St. Tuotilo were among the composers and theoreticians of the time.

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13y ago

Depending on time and place, they were called bards, minstrels, jongleurs, troubadours, kobzars, minnesingers, or by probably a few other names I have forgotten. These names all mean slightly different things, but they were all itinerant musicians and poets.

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14y ago

A Bard or a Minstrel. Althrough they were often entertainers who could play instruments or recite poetry and tell stories as well as sing.

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Q: What are medieval singers called?
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