Some of the reasons for the decline in the sugar from 1838-1850 is that the british-- wait u didnt think I was goin to answer that question,did you? o.O hahahha in your DREAMS!
I'm not telling you the answer.
The decline of Rome dovetailed with spread of Christianity, and some argue that the rise of the new faith helped contribute to the empire's fall.
The Crusades
Some positive affects were that it helped feudalism to decline, increase trade between the middle east and it hepled spread cultural diffusion. =] your welcome
Merchants was the group that was especially interested in winning the Crusades for some reasons. :)
Public bathhouses were a way to get clean when homes did not have indoor plumbing. Some had hot springs which were therapeutic.
Some of the reasons for the decline of Sumer include the reduction of agricultural production. There was a population decline during this time, weakening the power of the Sumerians.
Find out what the reasons were and decided what were not the reasons.
The answer is that they just pooped
The answer is that they just pooped
The answer is that they just pooped
The answer is that they just pooped
The answer is that they just pooped
Mainly health conscious consumers and competition.
Some possible reasons are:bad weatherdiseasetoo many predatorsinvasive species
Some of the reasons offered for the industry's decline were overloaded inventories at the retail level and the entrance of several new companies.