The battlements, the iron gates, the outer walls, the drawbridge, and the moats.
help please
i really dont know
A legal conflict between a serf living on a manor with another serf is resolved by the Lord of the Manor or by a court system of sherriffs and bailiffs. Before this, conflicts were settled through parties beating each other.
The manor house was the house for the lord of the manor. Usually the lord lived in a manor house, but lords often had more than one manor, and some lords had many. The result was that sometimes the only people who lived in the manor house were the household servants. If the lord was not living in the manor house, it was usually kept ready for him to stay in if he showed up. There were many cases of manors being rented out, and in such a case, the person who rented it lived in the manor house. This normally happened only if the lord of the manor was short of money.
They basically ran the manor. They were responsible for keeping the manor in order.They would run every manor like giving a hummingbird a double shot of expresso.
Arable land, Meadow land, Waste land, and the village.
yes, it did cause the manor system
The manor system was organized by people giving back
Manor system
The four parts are: 1.Lever arm 2.Fulcrum 3. Effort 4.load
The four parts of a task bar arestart buttonquick launchopen applicationsnotification area or tray icon or system tray
In the Manor System the mutual obligations meat the lord provide military protection for his serfs and the serfs provided labor.
1 2 3 4
Defense, prosecution, judge, jury
RAM, storage, Motherboard, PSU.
could not own land.
Could not own land