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There are four vital aspects of the middle management. Focus: * Concentrate effort where it's needed. * Focus the work of the organization on what's relevant and productive. * Motivate employees to do focus work. * Prevent work on things which aren't relevant or aren't productive. Align: * Coordinate efforts of the organization with peer groups or with other organizations. Support: * Support the employees of the organization by eliminating barriers to success. * Provide a good working environment. * Resolve any personal disagreements among the employees in order to maintain a positive working experience for everyone. * Represent the employees upward in the organization, so that outstanding employees can be recognized for their talents and potential. * Help a few employees to realize that they are better off working. Build: * Build the organization and its capabilities by hiring as needed and by training the employees who are there * Improve the individuals within the organization by increasing their talents and capabilities * Advance the careers of the individuals who work for you

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Landen Heaney

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Q: What are the roles and responsibilities of middle managers?
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