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The major cause of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The Romans lacked unity and were unable to fend off these invasions. These peoples, and two more Germanic peoples, who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire, took over lands in this part of the empire. Eventually all of its lands were seized, except for Italy. At the end of this process, even Italy was taken over by the Ostrogoths, who were sent there by the eastern Roman Emperor to depose a usurper.

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the final collapse was due to worsening internal problems, the separation of the western empire from the wealthier eastern empire, and increasing outside invasions.

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The civil wars, to gain power, and the German tribes who in the north invaded Rome who was weak.

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Q: What caused the final collapse of the western roman empire?
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What group of people played a large role in the final demise of the Roman Empire?

The groups which precipitated process of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (the eastern part continued to exist for nearly another 1,000 years) where the Vandals, Sueves, and Alans who invaded Gaul and moved on to Spain and north-western Africa, and the Burgundians who settled in northern Gaul.

Who are the Seleucid?

The Seleucid empire was one of the fragments of the Macedonian empire founded by Alexander the Great. It was founded by Seleucis I Nicator, one of Alexander's rival generals. The empire stretched from western Turkey and Judea all the way to Iran, and it lasted from 312 BC to 63 BC. The Seleucid dynasty lasted about 11 generations, although the final generations were merely kings of Syria after the empire shrank to be just Syria.

Did the middle ages began when the roman empire collapsed?

yes-----Yes, sort of. The Roman Empire did not collapse all at once.The Middle Ages started during a collapse of the West Roman Empire that went on for well over 100 years, at least. We might even take the point of view that the collapse of the West Roman Empire started in the 3rd century and continued until the 7th, with the Middle Ages beginning at about middle of that period.The collapse of the West Roman Empire either started with or was preceded by a chaotic period called the Crisis of the Third Century. Though that was followed by a brief recovery, the recovery was only temporary. Internal conflict went on more or less unabated, and Rome continued to decline rapidly.Germanic tribal groups began invading in the 4th century and began carving their own kingdoms out of the West Roman Empire. This process lasted through the entire 5th century and into the 6th,Simplistic history would have us believe that the Roman Empire fell apart in 476, or some such date, but certainly before the end of the 5th century. Among the things simplistic history fails to take into account is that the Roman Senate continued to operate in Italy during the 6th century and into the 7th, with our last surviving record of it dating 603 AD. Also, in many places, the Germanic groups maintained and respected Roman law until well into the 7th century.Meanwhile, the East Roman Empire did not collapse, but lasted until 1453. Many historians use the date of the final fall of the East Roman Empire as the end of the Middle Ages. We call that medieval Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire, but they always called themselves the Empire of the Roman People.

How long did the Romans rule britannia?

The Romans did not rule the world. Their empire did not cover the whole world; in fact, most of the world was not then known. The Roman Empire covered western Europe up to the river Rhine and central Germany, the Balkan Peninsula (south-eastern Europe) the Middle East west of Iran and north of Saudi Arabia and the coast of North Africa. The Roman Empire expanded gradually. It expanded into central and southern Italy in the 4th century BC and around the Mediterranean in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. More conquests were made in the 1st century AD and it reached its greatest extent in 116. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by Germanic peoples. The conventional date given for its end is 476. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist until its capital, Constantinople, was taken by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part.

What was the outcome of the crusades?

The Western or Christian world lost the military aspect of the crusades. The crusades caused the final collapse of the Byzantine Empire. At the same time, Islam underwent a fundamentalist reaction. Many scholars fled to the West. The tremendous increase in scholars greatly benefited the West. They saved many books from the book burnings and took the books with them. The crusades greatly helped the Renaissance in Europe. We can picture something similar as what happened to the situation when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Artists fled with their art rather than have the Taliban destroy it. Europe would be richer for welcoming them. Other scholars fled with their tools of trade. Islam gained land. Europe gained intellectual ability.

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What caused the finale collapse of the western empire?

the final collapse was due to worsening internal problems, the separation of the western empire from the wealthier eastern empire, and increasing outside invasions.

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the final collapse was due to worsening internal problems, the separation of the western empire from the wealthier eastern empire, and increasing outside invasions.

When was the final collapse of the western roman empire?

1453 is the year of the final collapse of the Roman empire. It is the year that Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks.

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The decline of the Roman Empire refers to the societal collapse encompassing both the gradual disintegration of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions of Rome and the barbarian invasions that were its final doom. This slow decline occurred over an estimated period of 320 years which many historians believe finally culminated on September 4, 476 when Romulus Augustus, the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire was deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic chieftain. Many scholars maintain that rather than a definite "fall" or "collapse" of the Roman Empire, the changes can be more accurately described as a complex transformation.

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The failure of the Western Powers to militarily intervene preventing the city from being conquered by the Ottomans.

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What is the result of the fall of empires?

It is mostly caused by the death of a important leader. Otherwise it is caused by war, famine, and relinquished resources that are no longer available to help support the growing empire eventually causing it to collapse. Since it is Rome, I would say it was because of the death of Constantine XI Palaiologos. He was the leader from 1449 to 1453. During that time he raised a great empire, but near the end when he was defending Rome against Mehmed ll, he was recognized as a great leader because he fought with his troops in the final battle which ended the empire with his death. His brother Thomas Palaiologos, took a semi-order over what was left of Rome and reorganized the troops for a final battle before he retreated to Italy.

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