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Rome didn't take over anything it fell in 410 AD causing the start of the Middle Ages.

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France, Switzerland, and Istanbul

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Q: What continent did the Roman Empire take control of?
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How long did it take for the fall of the Roman Empire?

The western part of the Roman Empire lasted for some 700-800 years. The eastern part of the Roman empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the western part.

The take over by the barbarians marks the beginning of what period in the roman empire?

The renaissance

What is the history of the Roman Empire and why did the Roman Empire fall?

Answer:There is a lot of history that I know about the Roman Empire; therefore, it will take me forever to answer it. Therefore, I will only tell you how they fell.The Fall of the Holy Roman Empire:I believe the Roman Empire fell because when they split in to the Eastern empire, they could not afford a huge army without the wealthiness of the East. This made them more vulnerable to the East, and there were a lot of diplomatic problems. The main contribution to the fall of the Roman Empire was the Huns, who were nomads who invaded the weaker lands of Rome, and also invaded more heavily armed areas, such as Constantanople. of this is very true and very important but you shouldn't forget about the goths, their extreme rancor against the Romans modivated them to take over the empire.

Was odoacer a roman emperor?

No, Odoacer was not an Emperor. He was a general who deposed Romulus Augustulus, the last Emperor of the West Roman Empire, and asked Zeno, the Emperor of the East Roman Empire of the time, to take responsibility for both halves of the empire. Odoacer continued on, apparently as a king or supreme governor, in Italy. Please use the link below for more on Odoacer.

What impact did the collapse of the roman empire have on European trade and security?

Rome was a had a very big empire so that made Rome collapes because the empire couldn't take care of Rome anymore and the empire just got bigger and bigger

Related questions

Did the Ottoman Empire take over the Roman Empire?

No, the Ottoman empire was long after the Roman empire. After the Roman empire, the byzantine empire followed. The Ottoman Turks did, however, take over the Byzantine captial of Constanope renaming it Istanbul.

When did Julius Caesar take control of the Roman empire?

After defeating the Pompeian forces to conclude the civil war he became Dictator in 48 BCE.

What countries did the Ottoman Empire take over?

The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire

When did the roman empire take over Egypt?

The Roman empire took over Egypt in 30 BC after defeating the forces of Antony and Cleopatra.

What continent did European countries want to take control of?


When did the British empire take control of Malaysia?

in 2012

How long did it take for the fall of the Roman Empire?

The western part of the Roman Empire lasted for some 700-800 years. The eastern part of the Roman empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the western part.

Why might the size of the roman empire be a problem for the roman empire?

Communications were a big problem with the size of the Roman empire. It could take a couple or three weeks for a message to get from Rome to, say, Alexandria. While the Roman roads made communications good in Italy and the continent, many cities had to be reached by roads and ships. Traveling by ship was slow and time consuming. There was also the problem of tax revenue from the provinces. Because of some of the long distances, many times part of the revenue "disappeared" in transit. Manpower for the army to defend the empire was also a problem which had to be dealt with by incorporating provincials into the army.

Why did tribes travel to the roman empire?

try 2 take over the land ?

How long did it take Alexander to win control of the largest empire of this day?

it took alexander twenty-two years to win control of his big empire

How was Spain able to take control of the Inca Empire?

Spain conquered the Inca Empire by force of arms.

Why was Rome the capital of the Roman Empire?

Let's take a closer look at the words, here. The empire was begun in Rome, a prominent city. The empire, quite naturally, started being referred to as the Rome an empire. Drop that "e" and add the "an", and you wind up with Roman. So the name, "Roman Empire" was named after the city, not the other way around.