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It was Greek culture. Greek civilisation started earlier than that of the Italics (peoples of ancient Italy) and, being more advanced, it exerted a great influence on them when Greek colonies were established in Italy. Moreover, Alexander the great's conquest of the Middle East, Central Asia and Egypt, the Greeks deeply influenced these areas, too, creating what has been called the Hellenistic cultural period. The Romans' conquest of Greece and the Middle East, took over the Hellenistic world. Greek influence deepened further. This created a post-Hellenistic period where, as Horace put it, 'conquered Greece has conquered the brute victor and brought her arts into rustic Latium.' Roman art and literature followed Greek models. The Roman elite spoke and wrote in Greek.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

In its archaic days, Rome was influenced by the Sabines, the Etruscans and the Greeks from the Greek cities in southern Italy and Sicily. The influence of the former two faded, while the influence of the Greeks increased. Later the Romans were also influenced by the Greeks of mainland Greece.

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Q: What culture influenced the Romans the most and why?
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In the fields of art and literature Romans were greatly influenced by the culture of whom?

Romans were greatly influenced by the culture of Greece.

The development of greek culture was most influenced by?

Islam was the most influenced from greek technology and science.

Which culture has the most influence on renaissance humanism?

There is two culture that is most influenced on renaissance humanism. The to main cultures would be Greek and Roman.

Why did so much of roman culture have so much greek flavor?

The Romans were so influenced by Greek culture because many who immigrated to Italy were Greek and so brought their religion and culture to Italy and developed it mixed with the previous settlers. A classic example/myth of this is the story of Romulus and Remus.

What people did the Romans copy?

The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.

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Romans were greatly influenced by the culture of Greece.

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The Etruscans. They influenced Rome's daily life, government, and military, since they were the Romans.

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No they were not. The Visigoths appeared towards the end of Roman civilisation and did not have much of an influence on the Romans. It was the other way round. The Romans influenced the Visigoths. The ones who had a big influence on the Romans were the Greeks.

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