Dance was not one of the pastimes of the ancient Romans. The art of dancing was reserved for stage people and mimes and various other performers.
A republic, Romans thought, would keep any individual from gaining too much power!
It is thought that no one forced the Romans out of Britain. It is just that when waves of invading hordes were attacking Rome the Emperor at the time felt that he wanted his armies closer to the center of his Empire (not that it helped) and when the armies withdrew then most of the Romans living in Britain did too. Although some are thought to have stayed for many years afterwards.
Representative Democracy
scientists were curious and asked questions.
No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.
no the Romans thought that they were invinceable =) =) =) =) =)
The Romans.
The Romans thought Jesus was a normal person.
They thought they were disgusting people who didn't bathe everyday. They were thought to the Romans as Barbarians
they thought there was a god there.
about 1965
it was considered as the best
Romans thought silk grew on trees instead of being manufactured
humanists studied the greeks and romans which greatly affected how they thought.
humanists studied the greeks and romans which greatly affected how they thought.
Square dance the finest dance in the world
Because the romans thought the celts were uncivilised and thought they lived like savages.They dont like them also because they hanged their enemies heads on their wall.