They traded goods like food, raw materials, and luxuries with foreign countries by traveling by ships and other transportation systems while the peasants worked on their fields and when the lords and ladies feasted and did their other tasks.
guild system of Europe in Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
the difference between the renaissance and the middle ages is that the middle ages was a time of survival and religious belives. During the middle ages people still believed in god. Also, there were many raids, and travel was not safe. People focused on getting enough food and survivng in the harsh way of life. The middle ages is known as the dark ages because of how harsh people lived. On the other hand the renaissance was of time of rebith, invention, and bring back the classic ways of the Greek and Roman ideas. People lived in luxury and enjoyed life unlike the people of the medival era, otherwise known as the middle ages.
They were called the barbarians.
people who bathed flabby sheep
guild system of Europe in Middle Ages
well we are middle ages people! so how do we live with our animals?
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
People liked pudding and pickles in the middle ages
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
In the middle ages, the average range that people would live to was about 30-40.
people in the middle ages used letters or talking to face to face
Banquets, annual parties, and going to theater. The last one occurred later on in the middle ages, but was still in the middle ages. People who were able to read were also able to do that for enjoyment.
Banquets, annual parties, and going to theater. The last one occurred later on in the middle ages, but was still in the middle ages. People who were able to read were also able to do that for enjoyment.
not all of them