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After the slaughter of the Iceni in the final battle, the Romans treated them very harshly as punishment and revenge for their atrocities. In time, the punishments wore off, a new governor was appointed and the Iceni were absorbed into the Roman population.

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Q: What did the Romans do to the iceni?
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What did Boudicca do to the Romans?

Rose up against the romans and sacked colchester, london and st albans in 68ad she was quen of the iceni

What were the people in Britain who lived before the Romans called?

The people who lived in Britain before the Romans belonged to various tribes under local warlords, such as the Iceni, the Belgae, the Dobunni, etc.

Who is boutica?

Imagined portrait of Boudicca ©Boudicca was queen of the Iceni people of Eastern England and led a major uprising against occupying Roman forces. Boudicca was married to Prasutagus, ruler of the Iceni people of East Anglia. When the Romans conquered southern England in AD 43, they allowed Prasutagus to continue to rule. However, when Prasutagus died the Romans decided to rule the Iceni directly and confiscated the property of the leading tribesmen. They are also said to have stripped and flogged Boudicca and raped her daughters. These actions exacerbated widespread resentment at Roman rule. In 60 or 61 AD, while the Roman governor Gaius Suetonius Paullinus was leading a campaign in North Wales, the Iceni rebelled. Members of other tribes joined them. Boudicca's warriors successfully defeated the Roman Ninth Legion and destroyed the capital of Roman Britain, then at Colchester. They went on to destroy London and Verulamium (St Albans). Thousands were killed. Finally, Boudicca was defeated by a Roman army led by Paulinus. Many Britons were killed and Boudicca is thought to have poisoned herself to avoid capture. The site of the battle, and of Boudicca's death, are unknown.

Was Boudica good?

Boudica was good because she was the Queen for the Celts, whom needed help against the Roman Empire , she also fought to keep the Celts rule over England instead of the Romans growing power come to rule England . Finally she was intelligent , to men from those days she was more intelligent then women usually are. Including her husband Prasutagus died and she was the only royalty of the Celtic Iceni tribe to keep their independence of power and rule from the Romans.

Why did boudica fight against the Romans?

in AD 60, king Prasutagus died. Prasutagus was an allied king living under Roman law. Thinking he would save some of his kingdom for his wife and daughters, in his will, he gave the emperor Nero half of his kingdom and left the other half to his wife and daughters. However what Pratsutagus didn't understand was that women were not allowed to inherit more than 10% from a man under Roman law. When Boudicca went to claim her inheritance, she found that Rome had taken over the entire kingdom leaving her with the minimal. She raved at them, was whipped for it, and her daughters raped as punishment.