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The invasion of what is now called Belgium was part of Julius Caesar's invasion of Gaul whose area comprised what is now France, Belgium, Holland south of the river Rhine and Germany west of this river. Julius Caesar's Gallic War lasted eight years. He fought against various Gallic peoples and then against a coalition of Gallic peoples who united to confront his military successes. The conquest of Belgium came as a result of defeating the people whom the Romans called Belgae, a Gallic tribe which was one of the fiercest opponents to Caesar. This is the origin of the name Belgium.

It is widely agreed that Julius Caesar wanted to conquer Gaul for personal gain. One of these was political. Being successful in conquering Gaul would give him personal and political prestige in Rome. The other was financial. Caesar was heavily indebted. The booty from the spoils of war would give him the money he needed to pay his debts and would give him wealth.

Caesar's actions occurred long before there was a country called Belgium, which has been in existence only since 1830. Prior to this, the area had never been called Belgium. The area was under Spanish rule for centuries, then it came under the Dutch Kingdom. Belgium was formed as a result of a revolt against the Dutch Kingdom, because Dutch rule in this area was considered oppressive and because of religious differences (between Catholics and Protestants). It was when independence was achieved that the name Belgium was chosen.

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How did the Romans keep Atilla from attacking?

The Romans could not stop Attila from attacking the part of the empire in the Balkan peninsula by crossing the river Danube. Attila did this several times and extracted heavy ransoms. The Romans managed to stop Attila from invading Gaul by assembling an army made of Romans and their Visigoth and Frankish allies. Soon after this Attila died and the Hun empire collapsed.

Who forced the Romans out of Britain?

It is thought that no one forced the Romans out of Britain. It is just that when waves of invading hordes were attacking Rome the Emperor at the time felt that he wanted his armies closer to the center of his Empire (not that it helped) and when the armies withdrew then most of the Romans living in Britain did too. Although some are thought to have stayed for many years afterwards.

Did the Romans come from Greece?

No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.No, the Romans, as we know them, came from Italy.

What did Romans call their conquered territories?

The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.The Romans considered their conquered territories provinces.

How many years were the Romans ruled by kins?

The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.The Romans were ruled by kings for about 243 years.

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The Romans conquered Belgium, of course!

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