It means "Without Sunday we cannot live"
In the 4th century, Roman Emperor Diocletian had made a decree that any Christians posessing Scripture, meeting to celebrate the Eucharist, or constructing any buildings that could be used for religious gatherings would be put to death.
In 304 A.D. a group of 49 Christians from Abitene (present-day Tunisia) were taken captive by the Roman Empire for meeting privately to receive the Eucharist. When asked by their prosecutors why they would do something so foolish they responded "Sine dominico non possumus" translated - "Without Sunday we cannot live. "
The Cenozoic Era. ---- CE is often used as an abbreviation for Common Era: which is a supposedly non-contentious alternative to AD.The thinking goes that AD dating refers all dates to the (notional, and incorrect) birth year of Jesus Christ, so ADdating may be unacceptable to non-Christians.CE dates are exactly the same as AD dates, just the label is different.
How are western and non western childbirth alike and different
Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.
A non western pattern is a pattern of randomness pretty much. They are in the continents of: Asia Africa South america and Islamic places. They are sometimes tribal. Hope this helps x
You have the spelling wrong. It's sine qua non. The term refers to an essential requisite element for a condition or event to be possible. Usage: "Trust is the sine qua non of longstanding business relationships."
No Rainbow without the Sun
Sine quo non: Without whom, nothing. It means that without a particular person, your life has no meaning. The more normal form is sine qua non "without which, none", implying that a particular thing is essential.
The Latin phrase 'sine qua non' may be taken to mean '[a condition] without which it could not be'. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'sine' means 'without'; 'qua' means 'which'; and 'non' means 'not'. It therefore is an 'indspensable and essential action, condition or ingredient'. And so the statement says that human life is impossible without matter.
The cast of Sine qua non - 2010 includes: Sarah Siwak as Therapist
If by "romatic" you mean "romantic," then not as a rule, but it's not entirely out of the question: "O my darling, I would die without you! You are the sine qua non of my existence!"This might be more likely if you're using the Urban Dictionary definition of "romatic" as a combination of "romantic" and "robotic."
Sine qua non is a Latin phrase. Translated literally, it would be "without which not". A more idiomatic translation might be : "(that) without which it (can) not (be)."In English, it is used often as a quasi-noun. Examples: Water is a sine qua non to life. A tuxedo is a sine qua non to getting into a fancy restaurant.It is often used in the sense of "most essential requirement"
Sacrifice, practice, and commitment are the sine qua nonof our band to excel in the international competition.
Sine quo non: Without whom, nothing. It means that without a particular person, your life has no meaning. The more normal form is sine qua non "without which, none", implying that a particular thing is essential.
The Latin phrase 'cine qua non' has the meaning that something is essential. It also can mean that an action, condition, or ingredient is needed. The plural form of this phrase is 'sine qua nons'.
Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.
"not to go without"= "sine non ire"