Saint Valentine was a priest or bishop with the Church during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius thought soldiers fought better if they did not have wife's and children so he forbid marriage. He then had Valentine jailed for defying him when Valentine ignored the law and continued to perform marriages in secret. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine.
Actually, it was against Roman law to draft married men into the army so Claudis II Gothicus made it illegal to marry.
The emperor Nero was never possessed by any demon. That sounds like a new, present day slur on Nero, made up by someone with no knowledge of history and a mind that jumps to conclusions without looking into the facts.
In the days of the Romans Vienna was called Vindobona and had a Roman military camp which hosted the tenth legion Gemina. The layout of the streets of the First District of Vienna show where the encampment had its walls and moats. The Romans stayed until the 5th century. The layout of early medieval Vienna followed the former Roman walls. There are remains of other Roman settlements and Roman bridges. Austria did not exist in antiquity. The kingdom of Noricum was incorporated into the Roman Empire as a client kingdom of Rome in 16 B.C. It remained a client kingdom until 43 A.D. when it was annexed by the emperor Claudius. It became the Roman province of Noricum. This kingdom included most of present day Austria and part of modern Slovenia. In the western part of present day Austria, most of the Tirol was part of Rhaetia, which also included eastern and central Switzerland , southern Bavaria, Upper Swabia and Vorarlberg in present day Germany, , and part of Lombardy in present day Italy. It is now known when Rhaetia became a client kingdom of Rome. It became part of the Roman Empire when it was subjugated in 15 B.C. by the Roman generals Tiberius and Drusus.
Hadrian built the wall across the width of the northern part of Britain - about 73 miles - with a series of military forts, mainly to keep out the warring tribes to the north (in what is now Scotland) and to mark the boundary of the Roman Empire. It was ordered to be built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, when he visited Britain in AD 122. Much of it still remains to this day, and it is a popular tourist attraction. It's called Hadrian's Wall.
Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.Anything could be whispered in the ear of a victorious Roman emperor if someone could get close enough to him. However if you mean a victorious Roman general (he could also be an emperor) during his triumph, a slave was supposed to hold a crown over the man's head and whisper "remember you are only a man". This was because the Roman triumph was a very serious, sacred occasion with the triumphing general being on a par with the god Jupiter for that day.
Charlemagne, who was already De Facto King of France, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor- on Christmas Day 800 AD- the easiest date in History, Mr. Stevens used to say, though 7.04.76 comes close!
Valentine was a priest who helped lovers marry secretly, which was considered as a crime. So claudius killed him and his death is celebrated as valentines day
His roman counterpart was cupid. That is how we got cupid for valentines day.
Nero came to power in 37 AD CE and ruled the Roman empire until his death in 68 AD CE. A day after the death of the emperor Claudius, the young 16 year old youth of the Julian line of emperors was taken to the palace by Agrippina and Burrus. The will of Claudius was never read. Agrippina and Burrus approached the Praetorian Guards and promised the soldiers a significant amount of money as a bribe if they supported Nero as the new emperor. This was done and Nero became the emperor. He was the great grand son of Augustus. Nero's birth name, as a side note, was Lucius Domititus Ahenobarbus. He took the names of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.
The festival of Lupercalia is associated with Valentine's day.
there is no school on valentines day
Claudius II had a good reputation. He defeated a huge Goth army in the Battle of Naissus (268 or 269 AD). This ended invasions of the eastern part of the Roman Empire by the Goths and Heruli which had been taking place on and off for thirty years. For this he was given the title of Gothicus (winner against the Goths). Later, Constantine the great, who was born at Naissus, claimed descent from Claudius Ii to bolster his bid for power. According to the medieval Golden Legend of 1260, St Valentine refused to deny Christ before the "Emperor Claudius" during a persecution of the Christians and was beheaded. As the first emperor named Claudius did not persecute the Christians, it was believed that the legend referred to Claudius II. Since then February 14 had been the day dedicated to this Roman priest and physician since then.
Valentines Day! love ya Valentines Day! love ya Valentines Day! love ya
Valentines day is influenced by a Greek god named Cupid or Eros and Earth day has to do with Mother Earth or Terra.
Charlemagne, crowned emperor on Christmas Day (December 25), 800 CE.
I don't know but my cousin got married on Valentines day.
The emperor that is credited with standardizing Dec. 25 as Christmas Day is Constantine in 325 A.D. Caesar Augustus was the Roman emperor when Christ was born.