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From the waning years of the Roman Republic to 217 AD/CE Rome fought war after war to control the important trading routes to the Red Sea The Red Sea led to the lucrative areas as faraway as India for acquiring ivory, myrrh and precious gems. Having Judea under their control enabled Rome not to be concerned that this area would be a threat to the goals mentioned above. Additionally. Judea had a shoreline with the Mediterranean Sea. To control all avenues to the Mediterranean meant that Rome needed to occupy Judea. Judea was a profitable place and thus generated taxes to Rome.

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The roman occupation of Judea were sentenced to fairy land where unicorns romed the land and davids flew freely in the medows.

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Q: What effect did the occupation of judea have on the roman empire?
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What effect did barbarian invasions have on the Western Roman Empire?

They weakened Roman law and government

What new religion appear in the roman empire in the first century AD?

The two main ones were Mithraism and Christianity.

Cause and effect of Rome's expanding empire?

The cause of the Roman empire expansion was successful military campaigns. The effect was that as the Roman empire grew, so did the number of enemies.

Was King herod a governor of judea?

King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.King Herod was the KING of Judea. At the time of Herod, Judea was not a Roman province but an independent allied kingdom, with the king (Herod) installed by Rome.

Why did Justinian wanted his empire to be like the roman empire?

Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.

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What effect did the occupation of judea have on the poman empire?

Judea was not a very important province of the Roman Empire. Economically it was quite insignificant. Its main asset was the port of Caesarea, which was built by the Romans to ship goods from Nabataea (in present day Jordan) and Arabia. Judea gave the Romans grief in the form of Jewish revolts: the First Jewish-Roman War (66-73 BC), the Kitos War (115-117 BC) and the Bar Kokhba's revolt (132-135 BC). Ultimately, Judea gave the Romans Christianity, which became the religion of the empire in late Antiquity.

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Yes, Galilee was an area in the Roman province of Judea.

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Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea Davids city .

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Judea became aclientstate of the Romans before the birth of Jesus and was annexed to the Roman Empire as aprovincein 6 AD.Therefore, the connection between the Jews and the Romans was Roman rule. ThefirstChristianconverts were Jews. The apostles wereJewsor people from areas not far from Judea. They travelled around the Roman Empire to spreadChristianityaround the empire. SoonChristianitybecame the main religion of the Roman Empire.

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Christianity started in Judea in present day Israel, which was a province of the Roman Empire. It then spread around this empire.

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The Roman occupation was when the Romans had finished conquering lands and just left a garrison (therefore an occupation). Gaul (now France) parts of Germany, Greece and Britain were just a few of these. The Roman Occupation may also refer to the Roman Empire which lasted between 27 BC-AD 476. In the years around 117AD the empire covered approximately 5,000,000 km squared or 1,930,511 square miles. This was the at the height of the Empire.

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Pompey the Great did not conquer Judea. He was called to arbitrate in a dispute between two pretenders of the Judean thone. He decided in favour of one of the two contenders and Judea became a client kingdom. Judea was not annexed into the Roman territories and it remained an autonomous state. Judea was annexed to the Roman Empire in 10 AD by Augustus.

Who from the Roman Empire ordered Christ to be put to death and were any of them Christians?

Pontius Pilate, the Governor of Judea. No, they still followed their Roman pagan gods.