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The people of the middle ages mostly believed in four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Arsenic, antimony, and bismuth were discovered in the middle ages, but medieval people did not know they were elements any more than they knew that gold, copper, iron, and silver were elements. The idea of actual chemical elements was something that came later.

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Q: What element had not been discovered in the middle ages?
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Was the infant mortality high or low in the middle ages?

protection are been used among them.. such as condom etc..

Why were houses not built with concrete in the middle ages?

People of the Middle Ages did not know how to make concrete. The ancient Romans had concrete, but the secret of how to make it may have been lost. So there was a time from the middle of the fifth century for about 1300 years when no concrete structures were built. Even if the secret had been recorded, the fact that no one was using it meant it was lost for all practical purposes.

What were some of the problems faced by people in the roman empire during the dark ages?

The Middle Ages (the term Dark Ages has been out of favour for quite some time) was the period which followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Therefore, it no longer existed.

Why was the Middle Ages known as barbaric?

"Barbaric" is a term that has been romanticised to infer the primitive and brutal nature of life and warfare during the Middle Ages (ca. 5th to 15th centuries) The term can also relate the the loosely coined "Barbarians", which was given to tribes and people outside the Roman Empire prior to the onset of the Middle Ages. As the rapid expansion of the Roman Empire and the influx of foreigners (i.e. barbarians) into the Roman lands were responsible for the demise of the the Empire, it could be another reason why the Middle Ages are labelled as 'barbaric'. It is however, not appropriate to label the entire Middle Ages period as barbaric as there very many discoveries and occurrences during this time that were very civilised and eminent and far from the stereotypical and contemporary definition of barbaric.

How were mandrakes used in the middle ages?

Mandrakes have been used since Biblical times in magic and alchemy. There is a link to an article below that explains more.

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How have castles changed since the middle ages?

No castles have been built since the middle ages

How many element had been discovered in 1870?

In 1870, 63 elements had been discovered.

How many elements had been discovered by 1959?

By 1959, a total of 102 elements had been discovered. The most recent element discovered at that time was Einsteinium (Element 99), which was first synthesized in 1952.

Was Mars discovered in the middle ages?

Mars is visible with the unaided eye. So like Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn it has been known since humans looked at the sky.

Why didn't Europeans eat corn in the middle ages?

During the middle ages, corn had not yet been introduced to europe from the new world

When was bread made?

it has been dted back to the middle ages

What was it like without the black death?

Since the middle ages where preoccupied with the plague, we have no way to know how the Middle Ages would have been without the plague.

How did Galileo been a good thing in middle ages?

Galileo lifed from 1564 to 1642. The Middle Ages ended about 100 years before he was born.

Was whale eaten in the middle ages?

By some arctic native peoples, yes. However, the whaling fleets of Europe had not been developed in the middle ages.

How long has the clarinet been around?

The clarinet has been around since the middle ages.

Did they have potatoes in the middle ages?

It depends who you mean by "they". Potatoes are native to the Americas and were not available in Europe until long after 1492, when the Middle Ages had ended. Native Americans had both sweet potatoes and standard potatoes, but just like tobacco neither of these were seen in Europe until the Renaissance era - the beginning of modern times.

What is an element and how many elements are there?

An element is a substance in which every atom is the same. There are 118, 112 of which have been discovered.