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Two important things happened to the Roman Empire after the death of Constantine. First, it became more Christian and less tolerant, not only persecuting pagans and Jews, but eventually destroying all books that did not further the cause of Christianity. Second, the empire went into serious decline, until the Western Empire ceased even to exist after 476 CE.
40 years later the Western Empire was swallowed up by the Goths and others, but the Eastern Empire lasted another 1,000 years until taken over by the Ottoman Turks.

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Constantine I partitioned the empire between his three sons, Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans, and a nephew, Dalmatius .The three brothers arranged the killing of most of the rest of their family. Following the death of Dalmatius there was a civil war over the control of the western part of the empire between Constantine II and Constans,, during which Constantine II died..Costans was later killed by supporters of Magnentius, a usurper emperor. Constantius II waged war on Magnentius, defeated him and became sole emperor.

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Q: What happened to the Roman empire after the death of Constantine?
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What year was Constantine the first Roman Emperor to support Christianity?

Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.

Did the roman empire collapsed before or after christ?

The Roman Empire collapsed after Christ's death.

What roman leader impacted the spread of Christianity the most?

Constantine the Great had himself baptised just before his death.

Ruler who divided the roman empire in half?

Emperor Diocletian in CE 285. However, the empire was reunified for short periods of time, like the reign of Emperors Constantine, Julian the Apostate, and Theodosius I. Also, the Eastern Empire had re-invaded the Western Empire during the reign of Justinian I and tried to recreate and rebuild the empire, but with his death the Western part of the Byzantine Empire was retaken by Barbarians.

Who was the first emperor of roman to convert to Christianity?

Constantine 57th Emperor of the Roman Empire. Constantine the Great (Latin: Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus; 27 February c. 272 - 22 May 337), also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. Well known for being the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed tolerance of all religions throughout the empire. Constantine defeated the emperors Maxentius and Licinius during civil wars. He also fought successfully against the Franks, Alamanni, Visigoths, and Sarmatians during his reign - even resettling parts of Dacia which had been abandoned during the previous century. Constantine built a new imperial residence at Byzantium, naming it New Rome. However, in Constantine's honor, people called it Constantinople, which would later be the capital of what is now known as the Byzantine Empire for over one thousand years. Because of this, he is thought of as the founder of the Byzantine Empire. Just a footnote to Constantine's religious beliefs. There is no historical proof that Constantine ever converted to Christianity. All we have is the story spread around by his friend the biship Eusebius, who had his own agenda. It is true that Constantine was tolerant of Christianity as well as all the other religions, but scholars are questioning his so-called death bed conversion.

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What year was Constantine the first Roman Emperor to support Christianity?

Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.

What emperor reunited the Roman Empire after Diocletian had divided it?

Emperor Constantine reunited the Roman Empire in 324 AD after it had been split by Emperor Diocletian. But soon after his death the empire would again be divided. The east would survive; the west would fall

What was the division of Rome and the formation of the Byzantine Empire?

The Roman Emperor Constantine I the Great divided the Roman Empire to the west Roman Empire and the east Roman Empire and moved his capital city from Rome to the ancient Greek city of Byzantium which was renamed as New Rome. After Constantine's death his successors renamed the city as Constantinople, a name that survived its conquest by the Ottomans, until 1923 AD.

Whose conversion to Christianity helped make Christianity acceptable to Rome?

Emperor Constantine, who moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople, ALLOWED Christianity in Roman Empire and converted on his death bed through the Edict of Milan. His tolerance accepted Christianity in Rome, NOT his CONVERSION.

When did Constantine I establish Constantinople?

The Emperor Constantine the Great moved the capital of his Empire from Old Rome to Constantinople the New Rome in 330 AD. He ruled as Emperor in Constantinople from 330 AD until his death in 337 AD.

How did Constantine view Christianity?

Constantine was the emperor who made Chistianity the religion of the Roman empire. Therefore he was a believer. This is what certain theologians would like you to believe. In reality, Constantine viewed Christianity as a necessary evil. He did NOT make it the religion of the Roman empire, he merely made it a legal one. And there is absolutely no proof that he converted to Christianity on his death bed.

What was the impact of Constantine?

Edward Gibbon suggested that Constantine's conversion to Christianity was one of the principal causes of the fall of the western Roman Empire, which ceased to exist 139 years after his death. At first glance this may seem so far removed from the time of Constantine as to preclude a direct relationship, but Constantine put in place a process that was irreversible. Another impact of Constantine's conversion to Christianity was the eventual conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity, although once again this did not really occur until long after his death.

What was the Capital of the Roman Empire during the Empire's Decline?

Initially, it was Rome. The capital was moved by Emperor Constantine to Constantople (modern Istanbul) for strategic reasons: it was more easily defended. He named it Nova Roma; it was named after Constantine following his death.

Who moved the roman empires capital to byzantium?

Theodosius I. the Great 347-395 became Roman Emperor in 388 AD and ordered the Roman Empire to be divided after his death between his incompetent sons Honorius who took over the West Roman Empire and Arcadius who reigned over East-Rome or Byzance with his capital Constantinople. So the Roman Empire capital was not moved to Constantinople but the Empire was split in West- and East-Rome. A+ls-----Constantine

How did Constantine help with the expansion of the Church?

Constantine ended up as sole ruler over the Roman empire. On his way to conquer the city of Rome, he saw a sign in the sky in the form of Christ's cross, with the words, In Hoc Signo Vinces under it (in this sign you will conquer). After the eastern emperor died and Constantine became the sole ruler of the empire, he removed the laws making Christianity illegal and eventually made it the sole religion of the Roman empire. Constantine, himself, did not convert until his death bed, but he made Christianity legal, and used it to unify his empire. See link below.

Who took over after Cleopatra death?

the Roman Empire

What was the byzantine church used for?

The Byzantine Church was used for worship. Following the death of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the Roman Empire split into the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. Eventually, the Bishop of Rome became the head of the church in the Roman Empire. Over the years, that church became the Roman Catholic Church. The Bishop of Constantinople became the head of the Byzantine Church. That church evolved into the Greek Orthodox Church and still exists today.