Mark Antony's full name was Marcus Antonius. He was born on January 14, 83 BC. He died on August 1, 30 BC.
Trajan Kay
full of sacrifice
William Clark was his full name.
The exclamation mark comes from the term note of admiration, in which admiration referred to its Latin sense of wonderment. One theory of its origin is that it was originally the Latin word for joy, Io, written with the I written above the o. The exclamation mark was introduced into English printing in the 15th century, and was called the "sign of admiration or exclamation"or the "note of admiration" until the mid 17th century. In German orthography, the sign made its first appearance in the Luther Bible in 1797. The mark was not featured on standard manual typewriters before the 1970s. Instead, one typed a full stop, backspaced, and then typed an apostrophe.
Answer:Tristan is a Celtic name. There was a tale about a man named Tristan and he was a knight of the Round Table. He was in a tale called "Tristan and Isolde"about Tristan going to an island and falling in love with a woman named Isolde. Unfortunately, Isolde had to marry King Mark instead. In Welsh, it means "Clanking of Swords". The name is probably based off of the French meaning, "triste" which means sad. The name is very popular in Spain.
his loyalty was bad. - (I think) -
Mark's full name n the bible is John Mark
Mark Antony was only married one time and the name of his wife was Fluvia. However, he had a very famous mistress who was Cleopatra.
Mark Allan Hoppus
Sir Mark James Todd
Mark, his full name is, Mark William Calaway.
Cleopatra and Marc Antony's children were named Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene and Ptolemy Philadelphos.
Because he had the same name as one of the conspirators
Wayne mark Rooney
Mark Antony's full name was Marcus Antonius. He was born on January 14, 83 BC. He died on August 1, 30 BC.
The full name of the creator of SpaceX is Elon Musk. The full name of the creator of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg.