A count (the English equivalent being earl) is a member of the higher levels of the nobility, usually the overlord of a county in the Middle Ages. The count was at a higher rank than a baron, but below a duke. The count's duty was to support the king, usually with soldiers, in times of crisis.
There were different kinds of counts. Most, but not all, counts were subjects of monarchs, required to provide support for the monarch as needed.
Some counts were given the responsibility to defend a border, and the English title for such a person is marquess. A marquess usually had the right and responsibility to maintain a standing military force sufficient to task.
Some counts were independent of any king, and so were monarchs in their own right. The counts of Barcelona were of this level for many years, before one decided he would be a king, and they were kings after that.
There was such a thing as a count palatine. In the Holy Roman Empire, the count palatine, whose county was called the Palatinate, was considered to be at the same level as a prince. There was a seat in the Electoral College, which elected the emperors, for the count palatine. Other members of the college were kings and bishops, and there was a total of seven members.
Depending on the system in use, a count might have been the direct feudal lord for a number of members of the nobility in his county, including barons, knights, and various members of the gentry. In other times and places, however, there were counts without actual counties, the title being only an honorific.
There is a link to an article on the title of count below.
A Count was a lesser noble. He ruled for a county and within the county he would give a smaller fief called a Baronies. Sometimes a Baron could hold their fief directly from the King. Nearly all nobles were knights and it was their duty to protect the peasants and Church from enemies. Nobles were powerful military leaders who could command "banners" of the many knights who lived on their lands. Nobles also had to defend their liege in a political sense, serving as judges in their own courts. Nobles also spent their time hunting, tending to accounts, advising their liege, inspecting their lands, training, and going to war with their liege.
Seems that maids were plentiful. One for every duty in the kitchen. Dairy, pastry making, cook assistant. runner, washer up, usualyl called skullery made.
Get Medieval happened in 1998.
A person who lived in medieval times.
A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer
Medieval Mayhem happened in 2006.
his duty is to take care of his people.
With the pope but some power went to the counts as well.
no. it depends which call of duty game. only if you are in an airplane or helicopter of some sort. i guess that counts as flying.
Counts and No Counts - 1918 was released on: USA: 15 April 1918
The cast of Counts and No Counts - 1918 includes: Joe Rock
Medieval warfare was not normally causes by one country insulating another. King, Dukes, Counts, and Lords would fight against Kings, Dukes, Counts, and Lords to again what the other possessed, such as money, land, power, and in some cases a person of interest. If the attackers won the battle they would gain all listed above. If the attacker lost they would be under the control of the victor and the victor would gain all above. If this King could conquer this King there was no point for them not to, all they could do was obtain more power. This was more common for Kings and Lords than Dukes and Counts. Savannah Knight
A doctrine is a basic creed and/or advocation of specific beliefs relating to such things as government and religion. The Medieval Code Of Chivalry was formulated with specific beliefs regarding military duty, love and religion. Hence, the Code Of Chivalry was a doctrine.
Knights' quarters in medieval castles typically featured a sleeping area, storage for armor and weapons, a small table for dining, and sometimes a simple washbasin for personal hygiene. The quarters were designed to provide comfort and security for the knight when not on duty.
Not likely. You would still be responsible for house payments. However, you would be paid some amount by the National Guard, probably more for active duty. No. While on active duty you receive regular duty pay and benefits, not from the National Guard (or Reserves), but from the Federal Government (Army, Navy, Air Force) (Marines & Coast Guard fall under Navy). Also time served on active duty counts toward retirement.
You may be thinking of counts in yarn, where counts can indicate the number of twists per inch in the spin.
Medieval is medieval because it is Latin for "the middle ages".
Yep, Call of duty doesn't have a karma, magic, or time system. All you can do is shoot in that game. But fable 2 has medieval weapons, major story, and high character customization. Plus, a spouse system, with property owner system.