a midevil merchant class town dweller is a man who sold products in that era and lived in a town with class and dwelled on his problems
Long Streets, Yet Strait of the Medieval Town is a poem about a medieval town. It was written by Emmanuel George Cefai.
A medieval town is simply a town that was around during the Middle Ages, several hundred years ago. A Manor is a Grand house that's home to someone wealthy.
merchants ran very sizable businesses also they dominated the town and grew very wealthy
It had to do with farming and transportation. It was easier to irrigate crops when close to a fresh water source. Also, it made for quicker easier transportation for traders and merchants when they could get in a boat and go from town to town.
No, it was an not a 'city' in England during the medieval ages, it is possible is was a small town called Wexly, because not many people lived in cities in medieval England, towns were where everyone lived. Either way Great Wexly was not a city in medieval England. It was made up in that book
Merchant Guilds
a medieval merchant would either live in a seperate house in the same village/town or have his house built into his shop :)
An 'urban dweller' is a person or animal that lives in a city. Urban is an adjective describing someone or something pertaining to a city; a dweller is a noun for someone or something permanently living in a particular place.
YES IT IS A MEDIEVAL TOWN . IT was built by the saxo0ns
Long Streets, Yet Strait of the Medieval Town is a poem about a medieval town. It was written by Emmanuel George Cefai.
Storm the town merchant (swashbuckler)
Medieval Jesters traveled from castle to castle, in the Medieval town.
Merchant flag: Storm the town merchants (Swashbuckler)
It wnet into the street or into a town dump
Vassal, Bailiff, Reeve, Serf, Peasant, Cottager and servant ..... farmer, carpenter, baker, cooper, blacksmith, coppersmith, herder, hunter, sailor, miner, miller, housewife, merchant, stone carver, priest and many others.