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Q: What is a preator?
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What was the function of the preator during roman times?

A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.A praetor was responsible for the carrying out of justice. The urban praetor in ancient Rome was the man who ran the city. There were also praetors who handled the affairs of foreigners in Rome. A praetor could also raise and lead an army and govern a province if necessary.

Social classes of the roman republic?

Originally there was a distinction between patricians and plebeians. The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners; that is, all non-patricians. There were rich and poor plebeians. Originally the patricians monopolised political power, the offices of state, the senate and the priesthoods. Over time, the rich plebeians obtained power-sharing with the patricians and gained access to the offices of state, the senate and most of the priesthoods. The rich plebeians were co-opted into a patrician-plebeian oligarchy and were given equite (cavalryman) status. This was the lower tier of the aristocracy. The patricians remained the higher tier of the aristocracy. The term plebeian in regard to these rich people became redundant. The poor just remained poor. The term plebeian continued to be applied to them in the Late Republic because of the political agitations of their movement (the plebeian movement). This unrest was caused by their abject poverty, which became a political hot potato in the Late Republic. This happened despite the fact that the rich plebeians, who had been the leaders of this movement, had turned their backs on the issues of the poor once they gained power-sharing with the patricians. New politicians, the populares, who supported the cause of the poor emerged.

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yes an insects

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the prey is food for the predator for example an eagle is the predator and a snake can be the prey.

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No, giant pandas are herbivores, specialising in the consumption of bamboo. NO herbivore can be a predator.

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Rabbit predators can be: fox,raccoon,weasel,mink,squirrel, owl,hawk,falcon, etc...

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i think they should do a sequel to it becasue it good the sequel should be about brody finding out the shark still alive and makes a robort shark to fight him YES they are! its called jaws: ultimate preator its for wii ad te 3ds hope this helps :)

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This is because out in the wild, they have many predators that can eat the eggs, so to increase the chances of surviving fry, they lay more eggs.

Who makes sure that people abide by the laws in roman times?

During the period of the Roman Republic the preator urbanus was a chief justice who was responsible for overseeing civil law trials, presiding over criminal trials and for making amendments to the law. During the period of rule by emperors the emperors took over their role with regard to legislation. In addition, there was also the office of Censor (official snoop) who would oversee the sumptuary laws and track a person's financial dealings and standing.

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the reason why it is good for the gray wolf to survrive because it is a preator to other animals and keeps the small animals the right pop like the rabbit if it didnt then it would be out of control and we would be over run by rodents the reason why it is good for the gray wolf to survrive because it is a preator to other animals and keeps the small animals the right pop like the rabbit if it didnt then it would be out of control and we would be over run by rodents

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In the Roman Republic, only certain elected officials known as magistrates had the right to exercise imperium. These officials included consuls, praetors, and dictators, who had the power to command and enforce laws. Other government officials, such as senators and tribunes, did not have the right to exercise imperium.

Why do the teeth of the great white shark help them?

Alligators have a lot of teeth because they eat things with tough meat. With a lot of teeth, they can easily chew their food. Alligators and crocodiles cannot chew. They have teeth that grip prey, then tear the prey item apart to swallow.