a massive group of enraged and psychotic man-like beasts gathered to cause rampage and destruction against another race or civilization
The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.The Gauls, who were considered the barbarians of the time, were the first to sack Rome in 390 BC.
We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.
The answer is Barbarians.
Sarai Batu
The barbarians who conquered Rome were called the Goths.
The most common collective noun for savages is a horde of savages. The collective noun horde is also used for a horde of mosquitoes and a horde of tourists. One of the definitions for the noun horde is 'a large number of things or people considered together as a group'.
The standard collective noun is a horde of barbarians.Since the noun 'barbarians' is another word for people, the collective nouns for people are also suitable, such as crowd, army, mob, gang, etc.
Multiple troops counter graveyard, including, but not limited to, Archers, Guards, Goblins, Lumberjack, Minions, Minion Horde, Valkyrie, Skeleton Army, and Barbarians.
barbarians.......yep......barbarians barbarians.......yep......barbarians
"For the Horde!"..?
Look, a horde!
One of the uses for the collective noun horde, is a horde of savages. Others are a horde of mosquitoes and a horde of tourists. One of the definitions for the noun horde is 'a large number of things or people considered together as a group'.
A bored Mongol horde could hoard as many boards as a Mongol horde could hoard.
Golden Horde ended in 1502.
Don't horde all the candy or your not sharing!
Storm of the Horde was created in 2003.