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The proclamation by Galerius that gives tolerance to Christianity.

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The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.

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You have to abide to this edict . This edict was made by court.

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"Ed" is a prefix of "edict."

What was Constantine's edict 527?

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Edict of Beaulieu happened in 1576.

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What latin word is edict derived from?

Edictum, a proclamation or edict.

When was Edict of Beaulieu created?

Edict of Beaulieu was created in 1576.

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Edict of Boulogne happened in 1573.

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Edict of Amboise happened in 1563.

Who issued the edict of emancipation?

Alexander II issues the Edict Of Emancipation

What is a synonym for edict?

An edict is a proclamation, command, directive, law, or pronouncement.