The Romans ligal system was the body of laws the ancent Romans developed over the many centuries of their history. The were brought into a single book, revised and rationalised by emperor Theodius in 534, which was called Body of Civil Law. This legal system elapsed with the fall of the Roman Empire in the east, which historians have dubbed Byzantine Empire.
The key concepts of Roman civil law have provided the basis or an inspiration for the law of many modern countries, including the US. These are: citizenship status and citizenship rights, equality under the law, the right to have a proper trial and to defend oneself, the right to appeal, that the burden of proof rests on the accuser and not on the accused, that it is the exact form of actions and not intentions or words which is punishable, that a law deemed unreasonable or unfair can be repealed, and that no citizen should be tortured.
The Pax Romana was a good time in Roman history. It was a time of mostly peace, thereby enabling trade and general prosperity to grow. Literature and the fine arts flourished. Most of the major Roman building was done during this period.
This is a matter of opinion. The gladiatorial games and the chariot races were the most popular form of entertainment, especially for the poor, who led a very dull life.
How was Hadrian a good or bad ruler
My theory is good and bad. I also think it was more for the bad but its an opinion.
he was a good emperor
he was good and bad
She seems to be just the night, neither bad nor good.
Without lawyers, there would be NO court system. Without a court system, there would be NO justice. There are good lawyers and bad lawyers, good doctors and bad doctors, good policemen and bad policemen, good teachers and bad teachers, good construction workers and bad construction workers, etc.
bad bacteria can get you sick and ruin your immune system....and good bacteria helps protect you from the bad bacteria trying to ruin your immune system!!!
The endocrine system is a vital human organ system. In that sense, the endocrine system is good.
The education system is average and cannot be classified as either good or bad. There are positive as well as negative aspects of the Indian education system.
Lawfulness is generally considered good as it promotes order, justice, and fairness in society. Abiding by laws helps maintain a harmonious and safe environment for individuals and communities.
rome need an army
Which Henry III - of France, England or the Holy Roman Empire. Each one had good points and bad points. None could be considered bad.