Republican Rome was ruled by 2 people named "counsuls", they where like 2 monarcs but the roman state was ran by burocracy ruled by the cenatry.
Imperial Rome was ruled by the emperor with his own burocracy. He listened to the cenatry if he wanted to but he was not forced to do what it said.
First of all understand that Rome was an empire under the republic. It had provinces and they were ruled by Roman law from Rome. So it was an empire. What is commonly called the "Roman Empire" is actually the principate. The differences were the forms of government. In the republic the people had voting rights and would elect the officials; in the principate, officials were appointed with little voting. In the republic there was a collective form of government; in the principate it was a one man rule. In the republic the military swore their oaths to their general; in the principate they swore their oaths to the emperor. This was an importance difference, as it prevented a general from using his troops to usurp power. (It didn't always work).
Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.
At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.At about 510 BC Rome established the republic as their government.
Augustus emerged as the final victor of the civil wars which brought down the Roman Republic. He used his power to establish himself as an absolute ruler and become the first Roman emperor, starting Rome's 506-year period of rule by emperors. Historians make a confusing use of the term empire. It has two meanings. One is the usual one of conquered territories. The other refers to the period when Rome was ruled by emperors. In Territorial terms, the Roman Republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the period of the Republic.
Rome was a monarchy in tell they switched to a republic this happened in 510 B.C.
It's a matter of words and how they are used. The city of Rome is the city itself. Imperial Rome is often used to designate Rome's authority. Such as Dacia became a part of imperial Rome, or Pompeii was a city in imperial Rome. Imperial Rome can be used as a synonym for Roman empire.
The social structure in imperial Rome was the same a it was in the republic. There was the nobility, which were the patricians and the plebeians, followed by the equites, proletariat, freedmen, foreigners and slaves.
there is no differece
Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.
Imperial Rome is the term used for the principate, where there was one man in supreme authority. This is sometimes erroneously called the "empire". The republican form of government was one of elected officials, headed by two consuls.
Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.
Rome did not turn from a republic to an empire. The Roman republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the Republic. Rome's political system changed from republic to rule by emperors, not from republic to empire. This confusion is caused by historians who use the term empire in two senses. One is the commonly used territorial sense (the conquest of other peoples and their annexation into an empire). The other refers to Rome's period of rule by emperors. The change from republic to rule by emperors was a political one, not an economic one.
There really is no major difference. The Roman Empire was the empire itself, lasting from 27 BCE-476 AD (1453 for the Eastern half, which came to be the Byzantine Empire). In the beginning the Roman empire was an autocracy, headed by emperors. It then later turned into a republic, which is when people use the term Roman Republic or Republic of Rome. This is actually where the modern day type of republic comes from, Rome.
the republic in rome.
There is no difference.
Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.Ancient Rome became a republic in about 419 BC.
the republic in rome.